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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. I think that how baseball is handling this era is on full display here. I say they will do all they can to sweep iit under the rug and make sure that the only ones who get caught now are the lower tiers of players. The stars, the box office draws if you will, will be protected.
  2. Not to an egotist perpetually surrounded by apologists...i.e most professional athelete's.
  3. I do not doubt that these guys are competative. They have to be, but at some point they are compeating for $$. How often do we hear atheletes in all sports talk about how they love the game but at this level they understand it is a business. Illegallity is not the issue, what is the issue is what Baseball allows or does not allow. An unrelated example might be that gambling is legal in the world at large, but not in baseball.
  4. It all boils down to $$$ if the player felt roid's gave him a competitive advantage (i.e. led to bigger contracts) he would take them. If he didn't take them and saw the advantage and $$ that the roided up guys had then chances are he might start taking them. Of course all this depends on the individual's own moral compas. I personally think that far more players than just the stars and just hitters were taking them. both hitters and pitchers are performing at high levels much later in thier careers than they did when I was a kid. Oh Bobbob, Barry is not the only player to face legal tro
  5. DCM your analysis goes way beyond the "it's got a good beat we can dance to it" reviews from American Bandstand. We've come a long way in how we listen to music and with what we expect from the performers we like. Very insightful.
  6. Remeber Bob did a version of Masters of War on TV once that was more un recognizable than this cover.
  7. I just got a chance to watch & listen and you know, I'm not offended by this. The main reason is that the song is pretty unrecognizable. But my kids like it so I'm not really gonna knock what they like and it definately is a different take on the old classic. A take I never ever woul dhave imagined could have been done.
  8. This is why I think people who bitch about corporate rock are funny. They forget or don
  9. When Dwight was reading Kelly's personnel file the whole time there was a silver balloon the size of an egg hanging down from the ceiling right next to his head.
  10. I finally listened to the whole new album and I really don
  11. Don't cha know it! I think it would be great if these sessions led to a Mirror Ball type of situation between DBT and Neil. Probably won't happen, but I think it might be pretty darned good.
  12. A nodding head after a 'roo referennce usually indicates that they are discussing Bonnaroo
  13. And ticketbastard...the hand behind the iron curtain.
  14. OK so the trilateral commission is aiming for a new world order, so do they have the ability to defeat the illuminatti? The vast right wing conspiracy? The priory of scion? The zionist conspiracy? Islamic jihadist movement? All these plans for world domination have my head spinning.
  15. That was going to be my strategy. When ACDC played St Louis recently there were floor tickets opened up the day of the show. I didn't go but it opened my eyes.
  16. Full of dirty smelly hippies tripping on acid?
  17. http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/18637190/detail.html How did the clerk identify it as a Klingon Sword?
  18. Right with a 260 lb man tryign to tear his arm off, he loses is grip and regains his grip in a split second to make the throw/non-throw. Also remember earlier he was animated and emphatic that he was throwing the ball that had been ruled a fumble, yet no animation with the game on the line? He knew what happened and he was being honest about it. No, it's not over, just like for Bears fans the 1985 season still lives on, it's all we have. Thsi game is all the football we get till September.
  19. I'll have to check this oput when I get home, can't get the stream here at work. DR is one of my favorite dylan songs. This should be interesting.
  20. Just checked out the fumble once again. And the call is 100% correct. #56 of the steelers has his hands on both sides of the ball as Warner is cocking his arm to throw. Warners arm had some torque applied to it going backwards and the ball is coming out of his grip as his arm moves forward. I think his arm was moving forward more to avoid being snapped off than anything. Also Warner's reaction to the play was not one of a guy who thought the ref's got the play wrong. EIther way the game is over. Edit: I meant to note that the ball is loose as his arm is moving forward and that the mov
  21. I agree its stupid, but it goes to show that they are grasping for any straws that they can hold onto. This guy was/is a moron who could not keep his story straight or get his facts correct and he is a republican party Icon now. It says a lot about the direction the party is going.
  22. Ray LaHood out of Peoria, pretty undistinguished career in congress. He definitely does look like an old school mafia guy. Considering that all of your negative quips and comments are directed in one direction (I honestly can
  23. I forgot about Harrison, he should have been tossed. The camera's caught the whole thing, but how much did the ref
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