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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. At this point I'm guessing guys in tin hats sitting in bomb shelters in Idaho. E-11
  2. Stretching and spining her leadership is all you got. I am no expert on Alaska, does anyoen know what sort of powers the governor of Alaska actually has? People were fooled once before on the percirved power of an inexperienced governor. If you don't know yoru side enough to articulate it, then I am speechless as to how to answer this.
  3. 1 & 3 apparently you don't listen to your leaders and your punditry I never implied that you are lying. I'm saying that if you truely believe in controling wasteful government and that is a major factor for you, then you shoudl not be voting republican. Vote who you wannt to vote for, but to be consistent with your personal views, the republicans are not the ones who fit this parameter in any way shape or form, except of course in their rhetoric at camapign time.
  4. Point1 OK YOU don't view that as a justification, but the mainstream conservative doctrine does. If the second part of your statement is accurate then you should not be voting for republicans who grow the gevernment at every opportunity and who spend much more than they take in thus in essence they tax like crazy only the tax increases for their spending do not occur until they have moved on and left a collasal mess for whomever follows them to clean up. Point 2, the 1980's are a combination of factors including but not limited to: massive foreign investment in the US, federal spending to s
  5. Allow me to elaborate then with some substance. As an example of failed conservative policy I
  6. Well, that menans what exactly? Apparently you read it enough to critique my spelling?
  7. And conservatives never see conservative failure.
  8. Other than that I'm guessing you don't disagree with my statement? The whole notion of being
  9. At this point mccain could have chosen a bagel and the republicans would have eaten it up. Albeit an anti-abortion guntoting angry bagel, but a bagel none the less.
  10. John McCain at the media event that was Bristol & Levi's arrival in Minnesota apologized to them for the media intrusion in their lives. Disingenuous douche bag. He and the mom ar bringing the intrusion almost gleefully.
  11. If the general public fully grasped what actually went into quelling the violence they would be shocked. Paying the Sunni's a monthly wage to not fight us, the Mahdi Army calling aceasefire on their own, the near compleation of the ethnic cleansing of bahgdad and the extra troops.
  12. Is she really a book banner? The Trib On-line's headline "So much for Privacy" with apicture of the kids arriving at the airport with McCain there to greet the. The guy looks thrilled.
  13. For me it's an all of the above strategy. Presidential elections bring out more single iissue voters than congressional elections. If it was strictly about issues 2004 would have turned out differently.
  14. I've seen three of the four speak and I'll stand by my opinion. Mcains answers will all be POW POW POW, 911, 911, 911, experience experience experience he will not focus on issues, he will speak in soundbites and stump speech phrases. Obama is far more intelligent and far more eloquent when he speaks. Though that may be held against him as a lot of people in our country resent education and knowledge. Biden vs. Palin? Not even worth discussing.
  15. And my point is that thhe democrats can no longer sit idly by and let the onion be peeled away uncontested. I think we see the strategy the same way but have different ideas on how to deal with it.
  16. Nice answer. The tap dance comment was not implying that you were lying at all, if you read it that way then that's how you read it. Sorry if you take it that way. It was meant to imply that you tied together your disparate answers so neatly in a simple reply. I'd rather not f*&k myself though.
  17. Like when those morons at Fox News were making noise about what secrets Obama must be hiding because his mother had not made any appearances with him....his deceased mother.
  18. No we are not, this is how the GOP exercises their divide and conquer strategy. They segment the market and peel off a few voters who like guns, then segment it again and get the single issue abortion voters, then again to get those who want Christianity to be our national religion, then again to hit at the activist courts etc
  19. One quote says that you have not, while one quote says you have. You see I have discussed this with my child and I was referring to my daughter who I have discussed with. I have not even brought my son into the picture. Are you now going to tell me that you have another older child and spent this thread leaving me with the impression that you are discussing the future and what you will do with your daughter as opposed to what you have done with the older child? I was speakign all along from personal experience and I was led to believe that you were speaking in terms of what you want in the
  20. I'll bet there are 51 publicatiosn this year each one dedicated to painting each democrat as the most liberal, and none focused on who actually does a decent job.
  21. That is a BS argument because I have input on ALL of my childs subjects, all of them from math to spanish, to chemistry and PE all of them. I may not determine when they start them but I recognize that my input is needed always. I have multiple degrees in different disciplines and sometimes I know better than the teachers do. I'll tell my kids to test on the way the teachers teach them, but I give them the knowledge I have. BTW it's easy to argue against sex ed when you have not tried to talk to your kids about it. It is far easier to tell them that their grandmother has died than it i
  22. OK in that article Obama is called the Sentate most liberal senator. 1) that is not necessairilly a bad thing 2) who detemines that? It seems like every democrat who speaks somewhere gets labeled the most liberal. Be it Ted Kennnedy, Dennis Kucinich, heck even wild joe the rouge republicrat was labeled the most leberal. Sometimes these labels labels get applied to different people on the same day by the same speaker. WTF? I think as a scare tool this is a dead one.
  23. I do teach her abstinence, but I also recognize that she is human. It
  24. Your first statement is accurate, why is it that a BJ matters more than some of the shit that has occurred the past eight years in Washington? My daughter is 14 (a freshman), her friends are drinking and having sex already I just have to put faith in how she was raised. Regardless of what I think or what I taught her (that she is not trust boys or girls and to be very cautious with them) she is still a teenager and has urges. If she wants to have sex she sure as hell is not going to come to me for advice, condoms or other BC. She is going to go where she can be the most anonymous. But le
  25. Ummm but the republican party wants to make BC harder to obtain and they really don't want the kids to know about them. The republican party wants abstinence only taught, nothing else. But if your line of reasoning holds true then creationism shoudl be off the tabel for teachign in school, because afterall who has not heard of creationism? (Caveat: I think it shouldn't be taught ebcause it can not hold up to scientifiic standards of evidence and proof)
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