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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. what wonderful news, stooka! cheers!
  2. froggie, so sorry to hear about your friend. much love to you!
  3. drew, i hope to be back at the turn of the year! if i can be in town for a few days, there is some kind of offical hanging out to be done! soooo glad you made it to the show before it started! also: i've been fiending to hear "twilight" live. might have to start a NYE campaign!
  4. for the record, i do have other orange shirts. but yes, that is the shirt i was sporting last week. wendy, when we were outside the venue, i kept thinking of your fab photo of the wilco/rcmh marquee. sharp!
  5. wendy, i got this pm from someone else at the radio city show, "there was a short blone in an orange shirt rocking out down front. was that you?"
  6. anytime, flick! did you have some good dancing room? looked like it might be good for that. and did jim run right over your head? just might see you again at the turn of the year , unless you and sr. flick are in the poconos or something.
  7. **noticed no one posted a set list or anything, so here's my post from the mmj board...if you come across a weird word it's b/c the smilies don't translate board to board and i might have missed a few...** hey, allison: the answer was YES! i had a terrific time! WHAT A FANTASTIC NIGHT! sooo rad to meet all of the forum peeps who came out to the brewery before the show! ALL night i was running into people i'd met at shows across the country, or people i've known only by user names here on the board. what a treat to approach the brewery last night and see murph outside! must
  8. alas. thanks for the clip, tugmoose. that gene kelly was a terrific choreographer.
  9. don't give it another thought! hearing from you before the show was fantastic! even if it hadn't been raining, looking at that setlist, i just don't see any place when i would have tried to make a phone call. re: the album: giving it a quality listen tonight, gearing up for the show friday!
  10. if i'd given it some thought we could worn carnations to ID one another. glad you said hello even if it was at the end of the show. i had no idea what you looked like. i considered yelling "vc!" one time in the crowd to see if anyone looked up. i've gotten to be a big fan of detroit bar. such a cool set up in there. i keep my eye on the schedule there.
  11. me too! sorry to hear about your tents, bob2.
  12. *wheels turning* how can i get that friday off to see mmj in nashville...
  13. :uhoh sweet jesus. TYRONE?! jules, we will booty shake on friday!! i just got a bit dizzy reading that set list.
  14. hey! welcome to los angeles markosis! that you found the entrance to the echoplex is quite a mean feat for someone new to town. wish i'd known you would be there, would have bought you a welcome-wagon beer! met el pic. last night. WHAT A FANTASTIC SHOW! am currently talking myself out of driving two hours to solana beach to see them tonight. ( ) ps. upon review: at the show last night, i did look an awful lot like that dancing banana. except with hair.
  15. when i know, i'll drop you a line. would hate to leave it all to chance. i know. just nuts. and awesome.
  16. did brandon s play the acoustic guitar at all? last night he came out alone for the first song of the encore and played "broken afternoon" on it. still playing "shed your love" in the electric arrangement, tho.
  17. hooray! keep an eye out for me. i look a lot like this--> everytime i listen to the new record, i play it at least twice. everytime i see this band, i want to see them again the next night. szabo, the drummer plays amazing complex rhythms. he just kills me. i did catch myself hollering out in response to some fantastic music making last night.
  18. wow! what a cool and generous donation! damn. i visited the negro leagues museum a couple summers ago. i spent 4 hours in there. very very cool place to see. soooo much information, memorablia and photos.
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