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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. great details, dnk! i've seen nels w/norton as well. it's captivating to watch him paint, shape, then spray the surface down and start again.
  2. aww, hell. terrible news. i'm mostly a fan of "brief interviews with hideous men."
  3. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DUNJA!!@ you're one of the loveliest stars in our vc firmament! and a coffee exporter, to boot! hook these guys up, will you?
  4. what a fun idea! can one just come sing along?
  5. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KEN!!@ hope it's swell!
  6. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SAM!! to spend as you like:
  7. before this show i ordered some stickers to hand out at the concert, but they didn't arrive until NOW. (this is my fault, i didn't read the "turn around time" ) the stickers say: RAMPANT BADASSERY used this term to describe one of their shows, it is now my tag line for the 2008 EU tour. if you were at one of the shows on this tour and want a sticker, send me a self-addressed, stamped envelope (fits letter size: 4 x 9 in envelope) pm me for my mailing info. seeing them again in los angeles TWO WEEKS FROM TODAY! hot damn! for the record: the stickers don't have any mmj logos
  8. HAVE A GREAT TIME, CHRIS! :dancing wish i could be there!
  9. thank you for your dignity and outspokenness, del.
  10. i'm in los angeles. i decided to do the less expensive trip and attend the outside lands fest in san francisco instead. i am comforted that i got to see wilco, andrew bird, m ward and broken social scene. but only a little. fucking hell. ERYKAH BADU. TYRONE. i'm gonna be stewing about the miss for awhile, i fear. CANNOT WAIT TO SEE THE VID! too busy at work...for now...
  11. OUTSTANDING! war begun. AND. tyrone. WITH erykah badu. well damn. as i look at my unused ticket for dallas i am dying a little on the inside. THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE SET LIST!
  12. thanks for the set list and pix, u & b! opening with hummingbird? that's kind of fun! i shall be released. holy hell. that looks like it was fantastic! you kids have any hashbrowns or french fries while there?
  13. it's funny, after that show i was wrecked and full of energy! i just wanted to run all over that lawn! i'm gonna be riding that show for a looooong time. mostly b/c i can't see any more mmj til september.
  14. as she was driving me to the airport sunday afternoon she said she was bummed that she never got to meet you. WHO KNEW?! i can't belive we were sitting upstairs from you all that whole time. i even came downstairs to order our food.
  15. i was right behind you, kidsmoke.
  16. dude! wish i'd known! that was wendy who was with me! she really wanted to meet you! and we were standing VERY close to each other during the show. what a hoot!
  17. SWEET JESUS! WHAT A COOL THING!! (pure coincidence that i used both "jesus" and "cool" in my remarks.) lou, i hope you can go!!
  18. nice pix, hollinger! pjnocode: i'm blond, was wearing my hair in two pontails. were you next to us?
  19. wendy, i wish i had a pic of the three of us sitting on that waterfront bench after the show just trying to recup. a little. after the show ended i ran all around the lawn; spotting friends, dashing over, saying hello, seeing more friends, running again... today at lunch i told everyone that i had some terrific bacon yesterday in kentucky.
  20. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KEN!!@! put on your wilco army tshirt, crack open a fabulous beer and teach your kids to shake a tail feather! hope to see you around here sometime!
  21. "it's jim! he's got the flying-v! and puppets!"
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