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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. lynch, if you get screwed up enough, someone else will likely take a pic for you. ZOMBIE PIRATE!
  2. alas. a few years ago i went to an event at the museum of televison & radio history here in l.a. studs was in the audience and got called up to take the stage with another radio guy. what resulted was a crazy radio love fest. they just kept sharing stories about working in radio. it was wonderful. i've read many of his books, but my favorite is "coming of age." thanks studs, for giving us the opportunity to listen to these incredible stories! you will be missed! boy. this is one man i am really sad to see go.
  3. topical! at lunch today saw: indiana jones, a dead pirate, a fairie, a lady of the court, a person with intestines hanging out, a superhero i didn't recognize, the guy from scream, some st. paulie girl types... good stuff!
  4. and another! topical! i have to say: this is really not a good day for me to get all distracted.
  5. jakob, thanks for bringing this up! i haven't read his strips since he stopped writing the first bloom county. here's a great one:
  6. poptodd: LOVE that nick lowe album. np: mmj at dawn
  7. otm: yes! kris, that mask is spooky cool!
  8. it's FRIDAY AND HALLOWEEN!!@ i am sporting a big, felt candy corn suit, drinking decaf and listening to wilco's 2004 halloween show from chicago's auditorium theatre. what are you doing today? costume suggestions:
  9. forgot this one: on the work desktop computer: my morning jacket @ sxsw last march. i think this is from a ny times story
  10. after giving it some thought: i love the taste of bacon, and i love the notion that the smell of bacon cooking, means imminent bacon eating, but not enough to put it way up on the list. too greasy, i think. just tonight i was toasting up a tortilla over the flame on my gas stove. a bit of it burned and i was instantly transported to my grandma's kitchen. she taught me how to toast tortillas and we would put her homemade canned peppers on them.
  11. i didn't realize this was in FLORIDA! dude, what a bit of luck having that robin zander living down there! fun coincidence: this morning i picked up the small stack of 45s i still own. i flipped thru them and saw a picture sleeve of "dream police." (also in the stack: "you shook me all night long," "dust in the wind", "dirty water," "don't stand so close to me," and "rubber duckie" )
  12. actually a diff. collection, but this cover was too rad to pass up! best of the temptations:
  13. i was hoping you'd seen this and were posting about the show! i didn't see the show in l.a. i'm a cheap trick fan from back in the day, but haven't seen them live since '86 or '87 (just before lap of luxury came out). let us know how this is carter!
  14. --peeled oranges --coffee --toast hmm. all food related..
  15. summer 2007. as part of my epic road trip i met a bunch of pals to do some camping outside of cave city, ky. full disclosure: there is a rental car about 20 ft to the right of that tent. that is some strategic framing. basil: is that a calvin & hobbes widget of some kind?!
  16. why within reason, scott? go big, hollinger!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  17. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAN!!@@! glad to hear you had a rollicking good time! i know you enjoy the jager, and it is only my concern for your hangover potential that keeps me from posting a pic of it here.
  18. laptop: that's my tent in kentucky my standard avid desktop:
  19. dr.c--this is the song from the last record that i hear in my head all the time. gorgeous, gorgeous. mrs. peel turned me on to wrong-eyed jesus. honestly, i have strong affection for all his solo work. just one of those musicians whose material really clicked for me.
  20. WNEW radio is streaming this show ALL DAY today--until 3am am listening to it now..."brother, brother, don't you caaaaaaaaare?" *sigh*
  21. maybe after saturday's show we can catch a late set at the after after after party with Chamelionaire! i just have to take my kids to soccer first.
  22. did you watch the show while leaning on your hockey sticks?
  23. gtr--is that jittery joe's in athens?
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