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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. peeps, i have a mid-level ticket for Jeff's solo show on saturday in chicago. due to cheesy circumstances i have to take a miss. if you're interested, let me know.
  2. now i am really upset about having to miss this. don't get me started on the snacks. dumb old work.
  3. aside: kevin: yours may be The Best Avatar of all time.
  4. lou, unrelated: i saw the latest harry potter movie and it reminded me of seeing the HP exhibit at warner bros. with you and your family! i may get to hear part of your and rosie's show tonight if i'm still at work. i'll tune in now!
  5. bump! isadorah, have you checked flicker? there maybe something on there whose owner would like to be part of your project.
  6. if you miss it let me know. i might know a guy who can hook you up.
  7. just remember: "fundraiser" preferred b: i will see you that saturday! i'll bring pit crew type items to help you make it to both shows! (fresh socks, hair ties, chewing gum, taxi fare)
  8. by some crazy fluke i got an andrew bird schuba's ticket, so i just bought myself a jeff & peter ticket, too! good gravy, i didn't realize that was lolla weekend. that makes travel a WHOLE different thing. oof. still...late night fleet foxes, you say?
  9. me, too! good call, sir s. i started reading ray bradbury's "dandelion wine" yesterday. it's my annual summer read. the tough bit is stretching it out through the season.
  10. "friends in california" is a great match for the show. last season i cut "in the stands" into 2 other episodes as music playing on a stereo in the surf shop, but those never made it to the final sound mix. derek, i agree with beltmann: those riviera discs are terrific! and now riviera is on the radar of that music supervision company, so maybe they'll use something else on another show. side note: last season on the nbc show "life" a song i tempted in by mont de sudua made it to the final mix. i am waging a one person campaign to get some quality tunes, tunes that mean something to th
  11. post script: i saw his son, levon, perform with jim white here in los angeles. he was terrific! and it was cute to see him escorted out by someone who may have been his grandmother after his work b/c it was a school night.
  12. it would be hard for him top "civilians," but i thought the same thing about "tiny voices." and "scar." all in all, it's not a measure of making this record better than the last. i'm just excited for more music from joe. without falling into the temptation to try to quantify things: he is my favorite song writer. period. bonus: npr is streaming the new album the day before my birthday! thanks, bob b! just 15 min ago i was walking home from the grocery store and "kindness of the world" came up on my shuffle. but tonight i feel i'm floating for minutes at a time just listening t
  13. hey, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS! i'll bet you started celebrating this in manchester last month.
  14. nice play by ricky, miss jayne. and pneyu, blerg, indeed.
  15. i don't know if it was the two games on the simpsons pinball machine, the partially shaded area for waiting in line, the stellar baked goods before the road trip, or the invisible rail at the front of the "venue" but i had a blast at this show. the crowd was pretty comfortably spaced, the sound was notably good down front, and there was a lot of jocularity on stage. quote du jour: "when you gave me back my pick it was smoking"
  16. for those of you who might be interested: after giving out all the RAMPANT BADASSERY stickers, i've been getting a lot of requests for more. so! sticker give away MACH II is on! the new batch of stickers has a small difference: where the last batch had "yow! 2008" on the bottom right, these will say, "boogity! 2009" on them. if you want one, send me a self-addressed stamped envelope (3.5 x 9", legal letter size) and i will send you back a sticker! to get my mailing info, send me a pm. i would like to add: FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY!
  17. well, fuck. terrible news.
  18. how can i miss work that monday to be at this party? the laurie's "sky blue sky" part at the h/o was a hoot!
  19. to echo jeff, "goodnight everybody!" :dancing
  20. based on a tip from kyle some months ago, i made sure to see dent may at the ac newman show a couple weeks ago. i really enjoyed his set! and i've been digging his record, too. and on that night, his set was much more enjoyable than ac's.
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