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Everything posted by ikol

  1. I just hope it's not Romney.
  2. Which kind of conflicts with what you said about them enacting nearly every policy on their list. Other than tax cuts, a partial birth abortion ban, and 2 conservative Supreme Court Justices, I can't think of many "conservative" policies that have gotten enacted since 2000.
  3. No, I actually did that this morning, so we're good on that.
  4. Really? They dismantled nearly every Cabinet Department, ended entitlement programs, replaced the progressive income tax with a flat tax, outlawed abortion, privatized Social Security, and clubbed a baby seal all without my noticing it?
  5. I don't know. When he was governor and they were working on the Governor's Mansion, he lived in a trailer.
  6. Something just rubs me the wrong way when a guy with $100 million tells people making $200,000 a year that they make too much. If he increases taxes, it's not going to hurt him too much, but most people that his tax increases would affect don't have his kind of wealth. The lawsuits I was referring to dealt with children born with cerebral palsy which he claimed would have been prevented by performing a C-section. The science is pretty clear now that his cases had no basis. At the time, it was more of a gray area, but he didn't treat it as such. The court of law ruled in his favor because ju
  7. I guess I just don't see why anyone believes that rhetoric coming from his mouth. He's a sleaze because he's so transparently hypocritical. He gives these pompous speeches about the plight of the middle class and poor in between his $1200 haircuts. He talks about there being two Americas, and he's going to do everything in his power to keep taxes high for anyone trying to climb their way up to his America. Not to mention his previous career of getting rich from bogus lawsuits against OBGYNs.
  8. How did Edwards beat Hillary? Who would vote for that sleaze?
  9. His supporters are kind of obnoxious.
  10. Everyone has their shortcomings.
  11. Thanks for all the Birthday wishes! I hope everyone has a Happy New Year!
  12. I love hoppy beers. The more aromatic and bitter, the better. Most of the German beers I've had weren't that hoppy. It's hard to beat a German wheat beer. Me too. Fair enough. Though being from Germany upgrades it from blasphemy to heresy!
  13. Pretty much anything Belgian is awesome. Kwak and Corsendonk are especially good.
  14. Surprises Iron and Wine - The Shepherd's Dog: I had high expectations, but wow. Spoon - GAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGA: I hadn't really heard much of their stuff, but after hearing so many good things I got this one and am glad I did. New Pornographers - Challengers: Nuff said. Menomena - Friend and Foe: Good stuff. Disappointments The Shins - Wincing the Night Away: It was OK, but it should've been great. Modest Mouse - Something About Ships: Maybe I've outgrown them or something. Rilo Kiley - I haven't listed to it enough to remember the album name: Blah.
  15. When I was a kid, the "ghost" of St. Nicholas used to throw candy in our house on his feast day.
  16. Best Wilco Moment: seeing Wilco in LR and getting to meet Team Estrogen and the Sooie siblings. Missed Moment: the second encore which didn't happen.
  17. I started drinking coffee when I was about 5, and I'm 5'9 (and a half!).
  18. I don't see how that affects the abortion debate one way or another. Using that kind of utilitarian reasoning could lead one to advocate some pretty horrible things.
  19. We seem to be in agreement that big businesses don't really want the government to stay out, even if they claim to be in favor of a laissez-faire economy and that they are being disingenuous when they argue against government involvement. I just believe that -- regardless of what the businesses say -- the government should stay out. I'm not saying the government should have absolutely no involvement, just that the threshold for government regulation should be much higher.
  20. That was pretty much my point. Increasing government regulation of businesses provides more opportunity for big businesses to lobby the government to pass regulations that hurt their competitors. I'm guessing you couldn't fill it up in public.
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