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Everything posted by ikol

  1. I have no idea who it will be, but I can say with confidence it will not be Tancredo. I'm not terribly excited about any of them, but I like Huckabee. He strikes me as the least phony of all of them (with the exception of Ron Paul, but he doesn't have much chance of being nominated). Plus he has the Chuck Norris endorsement, and that's got to count for something.
  2. Edwards would be worse than Hillary.
  3. Chocolate ice cream is better than vanilla. Fact!
  4. Pray to whatever Sky God you believe in.
  5. It's not really scary, but The Monster Squad is awesome.
  6. Did he literally piss on the Constitution or was that just implied?
  7. An occasional typo is one thing, but when every post is an jumble of run-on sentences and complete disregard for spelling or grammar, it actually indicates a lack of thinking.
  8. You do realize you're in the wrong thread, right?
  9. It was a joke. You keep making your anti-Catholic remarks (no one's ever done the priest molestation one), and I just thought the idea of a prominent evangelical atheist being a child molester and that somehow reflecting on atheism as a whole (the sort of generalization you make about Catholics) was funny.
  10. I don't think I've ever walked out of a movie.
  11. When Richard Dawkins turns out to be a child molester, you're going to be pretty embarrassed.
  12. Please tell me English is your second language. Otherwise, I'm going to have to wrap my head around the fact that Bush is against the Iraq war. Yeah, there's no way that our economy could adjust. If your premise that Americans aren't getting enough healthcare is true, then wouldn't it follow that saving more money for medical costs would eventually lead to spending more money on healthcare which would end up fueling the economy?
  13. According to the FAQS on the website plasticeyeball linked, the minimum deductible to qualify for an HSA in 2006 was $1050 for an individual and $2100 for a family, so you don't have to choose a plan with a $5000 deductible (though the savings in premiums might make it worth it in the long run).
  14. I'm talking about health savings accounts, which are actual bank accounts that do carry over. My understanding was that they do exist, but there are caps on how much you can put in them.
  15. So I guess they better have a copy of every book ever written.
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