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Everything posted by ikol

  1. And using an arnge crown instead of an orange crayon.
  2. My dad says it that way. We make fun of him for it.
  3. Actually in 2008, it's going to be a giant turd and a douche sandwich. I'll probably go with the giant turd as long as it's over 10 Courics.
  4. I've had fruity Dubbels, but this is the first one where I could identify the fruit as banana.
  5. I would start with William Shatner's album Has Been.
  6. A week after bottling, I tried my Belgian Dubbel, and it's already good. It has a little banana-y flavor to it.
  7. Me too. Except I'm completely for the former.
  8. My guess is that he would get rid of entitlements and reduce defense budgets.
  9. The main problem a lot of people have with him is that he's a hardcore libertarian. He wants to greatly reduce the size of the federal government. Sounds good to me, but a lot of people here don't like it.
  10. If you're going to criticize someone for not really answering a question, you should at least not do so yourself on the same page. I don't think you need an explanation for why "sky god" was derogatory, but I'll go ahead and humor you. You were doing so to be dismissive about people's beliefs. You know that no one here believes in Zeus, and you were trying to equate their belief in God to a belief in Greek mythology, something that is so obviously fabricated.
  11. Another thing that is appealing is that he's a true conservative. He wouldn't pay lip service to reducing the size of the government and then actually allow it to get bigger like Bush did.
  12. So if you're in a burning building holding a handful of balls, and Al Gore and 9 dishes of embryos are in the building, do you drop the balls and rescue Al or the embryos?
  13. There are already alternatives out there. They just aren't yet reasonable because oil is still cheaper.
  14. I'm not sure if that's true given the likelihood that a lot of scientists that disagree with the theory of manmade global warming keep quiet. But even if it is, science is not a democracy, and the majority has an extensive history of being wrong.
  15. It's actually a Prius with a camera taped to it.
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