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Everything posted by ikol

  1. Why doesn't AT&T just admit that they did it on purpose? Censoring Vedder's bumper stickeresque lyrics is a silly thing to do, but they have every right to do it. It's not at all a First Amendment issue. I have the right to spout my nutty libertarian/right-wing opinions, but the moderators are free to delete my posts.
  2. Yeah, but that would be a cartoonish oversimplification.
  3. If the administration was willing to lie about WMDs when they knew there were none, why were they not also willing to plant WMDs so that it would appear that they were correct? It makes no sense to lie about them when they knew that they would be found. If they really wanted oil, they could've just invaded Alaska. But then again, we have gotten all this oil since the invasion, so maybe you're right.
  4. Setting aside any problems with arguing about motivations as if they were facts, no. And only right wing bumper stickers at that!
  5. That was less of a response to you than to others. I just thought it was funny that a few posts after I was accused of oversimplifying things, someone mentioned the "war for oil." I'm sorry for being so anti-semantic.
  6. This is what I was responding to when I said you can't fight against freedom and be freedom fighters. While some of the people I consider to be terrorists might think they are fighting for freedom (though many of them probably even consider the idea of freedom to be evil), if it comes down to my definition of freedom versus theirs, I'm going to go with mine. I can acknowledge that they have a different perspective and yet still keep my own. And I wasn't just referring to Iraq. There are suicide bombers in Israel, and now even parts of Europe.
  7. I'm guilty of oversimplifying things? I guess I just don't understand the complexities involved with evil/stupid Bush's invasion of Iraq for oil. I would hate to live in a country ruled by bumper sticker slogans. Otherwise, I might have to "give peace a chance." Yes terrorists have reasons for what they do, and yes they think they are in the right. The issue is more complex than them being evil monsters with no rhyme or reason to what they do. But the bottom line is that they intentionally target civilians as a strategy. They kidnap people and cut their heads off in front of video cameras.
  8. Fine, if you want to argue semantics: terrorists think they're freedom fighters. I think they're terrorists. I don't understand what point y'all are trying to make. Are you saying that we should oppose them less because they think they're justified.
  9. You can't fight against freedom and be a freedom fighter.
  10. When I was probably about 5 and lived in Florida, I shook hands with Joe Piscapo in church. When I was in Italy 3 years ago, I saw Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Carolla in Pompeii. I noticed some guy wearing an "Oprah for President" t-shirt, thought "what an idiot" and didn't even notice who it was. Then someone else in the group pointed them out, and it turns out it was Kimmel wearing the shirt.
  11. It might be pricey but the Peabody is really nice and is close to Robinson. Same thing goes for the Capitol Hotel. Places to eat: The Italian Couple is really good and not too expensive. Vino's has really good pizza and beer. There's lots of stuff downtown near the Robinson Center. Flying Fish has good fish and shrimp. Boscos is a little pricey but they brew really good beer. The Flying Saucer has a good selection of beer. Places to avoid: anywhere South of I-630.
  12. Some of it probably has to do with Republicans, after 8 years of Bush, wanting a President who can speak. Also, none of the other Republicans running are really ideal for a hardcore conservative. None of the major candidates seem to both be solidly conservative and charismatic. Thompson at least appears to be both. I'm kinda hoping Newt will run. That would definitely make things interesting here.
  13. I thought it was amusing to watch the Dems try to rationalize sending their kids to private schools (as if there's anything wrong with it). The longer he waits, the longer they get to air Law and Order reruns.
  14. Pretty good, but not enough flying cars.
  15. I didn't realize there was some sort of consensus on ethics/philosophy.
  16. 2 pieces of Vino's sausage pizza and a pint of IPA.
  17. Life of Pi is really good.
  18. I got Row I. I think I have a test that week, so I hope I can make it. It'll be weird seeing Wilco in the same place where I had my white coat ceremony.
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