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Everything posted by ikol

  1. Natural climate cycles due in part to changes in the sun. This would also account for why the polar ice caps on Mars are melting.
  2. I believe in global warming. I just don't believe that a significant portion of it is caused by humans. I also believe that (given it were caused by humans), any proposed solution shouldn't be worse than the warming. And just so you know, this is coming from someone who hates warm weather. I would be completely cool with it never getting above 70.
  3. If driving a car can cause Hurricane Katrina, anything can happen.
  4. I didn't realize you could win a Peace Prize for fear-mongering. Maybe Bush has a chance after all! But lest this post stray from the intent of the thread, congratulations Albert! Now everyone will take you super serial. Maybe you can use some of the prize money to pay your electric bills. Excelsior!
  5. Did he win the Nobel for his work in eradicating Manbearpig?
  6. They have the whole episode on cbs.com.
  7. To sanitize the bottles, I just run them in the dishwasher without soap, and that seems to work fine.
  8. Once you've paid for the equipment, I'd say it's a little cheaper than what you'd pay to buy similar quality beer. Of course, there's also the time and work you put into it, but it's worth it.
  9. How much extra time does it take to do all grain versus extract? I'd like to try it sometime, but I probably don't have the time.
  10. It sucks hearing about all these beers that they don't sell here.
  11. I have a Belgian Dubbel going now. I've probably made like 10 batches, and most of them turned out really good except for an Irish Stout that didn't get carbonated and a strong golden ale that got too carbonated (one bottle actually exploded in a closet).
  12. Kwak and Corsendonk are good Belgian beers. I also like just about anything made by Rogue, but they're kind of pricey.
  13. The sprayer she's referring to is the sprayer that comes with some kitchen sinks. If you put a rubber band around it so that it holds the trigger down, it will spray whenever someone tries to use the sink.
  14. 1. Italy 2. Chicago 3. Lots of places out West (Montana, New Mexico, Wyoming, etc.)
  15. I was going to post that!
  16. I'm all for weird-looking buildings, but I draw the line at unicorn horns.
  17. He should be allowed to speak. It's not like he's in the ROTC or Minutemen.
  18. Nah, I was too busy drinking like half of yours at your insistence. Who's the cheater now!
  19. Rogue Locker Stock. From Rogue's website:
  20. Just don't taser my chops. I have a 0.000000000001% chance of dying.
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