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Everything posted by ikol

  1. I think a comma would only be correct if you added a conjunction: I love this board, and it is so pretentious! or I love this board, but it is so pretentious! Your dog needs to stop licking his balls and learn some grammar.
  2. Sounds pretty good to me!
  3. I can't make the jump to hard. That 5th button is just too much.
  4. You gotta get Rock Band. The drums are awesome.
  5. "I will crush your skull like a clam on my belly!"
  6. I agree. But that's not surprising considering I never claimed to be anti-science.
  7. Weren't you originally claiming that everything in the Bible was disproved by science? Now you're arguing that all the true parts are already supported by science. A) Why is that a problem? You're the one arguing that science and religion are incompatible. None of the skygod worshipers here have made such a claim. B ) I'm pretty sure that they didn't have evolutionary psychology 2,000 years ago.
  8. There's even one in Mexico!
  9. I think it's a regional thing. There's lots of them down here.
  10. Oh, well they had an episode where that was pretty much the theory.
  11. I don't eat much fast food, but when I do, it's Sonic.
  12. You've been watching too much South Park.
  13. Mine is tied for the 104,257th most common.
  14. Mine's not on there. I guess that's what you get with mispelled Dutch.
  15. I disagree with him on almost everything, but I think Obama is better than any of the other Dems. At least he's not Edwards.
  16. You never know where those zucchini have been.
  17. As a vegetarian, are you worried that some of the farmers who grow your sustenance might be Republicans? The chlorophyll is on your hands!
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