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Elixir Sue

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Everything posted by Elixir Sue

  1. I'm glad you bought it, because it's better than I initially thought.
  2. Happy birthday, MBB! I hope somebody buys you the new Raconteurs album.
  3. *ahem* Just because someone has a public defender does NOT necessarily mean they don't have proper & capable representation. But I digress...carry on.
  4. They were playing that a lot on the last tour, and it IS really fun live. I listened to Consolers... again today, and it's really growing on me.
  5. Such a scary story, but I'm glad Tara's going to be okay. Hang in there, Dunja!
  6. Max Fischer: "I saved Latin. What did you ever do?"
  7. What if they prefer the high school marching band?
  8. I like "I don't know - they were jammies! They had Yodas 'n' shit on 'em!"
  9. Let's not forget the version by The Corrs and Bono.
  10. I love Ryan Adams, and IMO Cold Roses is better than Jacksonville City Nights (although I love that album, too).
  11. Ditto. My bracket's such a piece of shit now.
  12. Ryan Adams is famous (infamous?) for posting random shit and rambling rants online...this is nothing new.
  13. You know, I'm a big fan of Brendan Benson, Patrick Keeler, Jack Lawrence and of course, Jack White. On paper, I should love this band...but it's just not doing it for me. I didn't love Broken Boy Soldiers, and so far, I'm not loving the new one. One listen is never enough for me to make a final decision, though, so I'll keep listening...
  14. I don't even care that my bracket suffered from that loss...it was worth it.
  15. I wanted to resurrect this thread to thank you, Eric, for providing a succinct and eloquent template to respond to these stupid emails. I just sent a very similar version to every email address listed in the forward I received today.
  16. Well, whatever happens, UNC will come along to clean up the mess and put my bracket back on the right track...until they lose to Kansas.
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