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Elixir Sue

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Everything posted by Elixir Sue

  1. whatdisay, that's how I am with spiders. Last night there was one in the shower, and since I was the only person home I had to "sack up" and kill it myself.
  2. Oh yeah, I overlooked that...your info's probably wrong, then.
  3. Thanks Kev. Looks like I better set Tivo.
  4. Also, I didn't know you were Big Bank Hank, either...so 'hi'.
  5. If that's not Nasty Nigel, I'll quit the board right now.
  6. That's Nasty Nigel! I don't know what show that's from...I just remember Nigel from the show "Popstars" in the UK.
  7. Nasty Nigel is horrified (and rightly so).
  8. I think we're all starting from scratch. It's a whole new world.
  9. This just in: I couldn't be more excited.
  10. I'd be all over a red iPod. For now, I'll set my sights on the orange Pebl.
  11. Hmm, I wouldn't say I'm really clumsy...what about the Pebl? That one looks kinda cool too. Obviously I'm on the market for a new phone. My current one's pretty beaten up.
  12. Did you have any problems with your razr? I kinda like those, but I've heard they're not very durable...
  13. I've watched it, uh, a few times. As far as bands' DVDs go, I think it's excellent.
  14. Dylan and Kings. In fact, where is this show? I wanna go too.
  15. You have 6666 posts, that's it for you I'm afraid. Also, I would like to have one of those red phones.
  16. The 30th it is, then. Their site's blocked for me at work.
  17. Kyle, where did you find out they're $80? There's gotta be another band on the bill that night...
  18. I'll add This Old House - Loretta Lynn.
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