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Elixir Sue

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Everything posted by Elixir Sue

  1. She probably didn't. I don't know...the lineup's great, and some days I feel like I really want to go, but other days (like today) it just seems like too much trouble and too expensive.
  2. Again, your personal use doesn't matter to them...but just because YOU'RE not downloading them and trading them doesn't mean there aren't many other people who ARE. That's where the "trading pool" comes in. I'm not even a trader, so I really don't give a shit about this...I'm just saying that I can see where they're coming from.
  3. I'm not a serious trader or anything, but the way I understand it is that people WHO do trade a lot don't want the "trading pool" to get polluted with lower-quality copies...which will inevitably happen if people download mp3 versions, then trade to others, who will then trade to others, etc. They don't give a shit what you're listening to at home; they just know that the low-quality version will multiply.
  4. Yay for "What Light." And it's good to see that "Walken" is still "Walken."
  5. My heart's beating a little faster...
  6. Edy's has already done it, and it's DELICIOUS! I'm willing to give the Ben and Jerry's version a try, too. Mmm, ice cream...
  7. Ohh, they're playing at the Chicago Theater, not the Auditorium. Is the Chicago Theater bigger or smaller?
  8. Dan Auerbach doesn't get much love. He'd definitely be on my list of "new guitar gods."
  9. Probably so! That lineup rocks...as much bad stuff as I've heard about Bonnaroo, I think it'd be worth going. Also, I guess this means THE WHITE STRIPES ARE HITTING THE ROAD!!!
  10. I got 27. "SA" had me thinking about South America..."9 paises in South America??" And I could have pondered #31 for YEARS and would still never have come up with the correct answer.
  11. Same here...I had to listen to a chorus of "he's not really playing!" during the entire thing.
  12. This thread really makes me want a Wii.
  13. Did they scrap the green screen idea?
  14. I don't think they'll let me come back. Sorry I let you down, A-Man.
  15. Hmm... Golden Bermuda Highway Mahgeetah
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