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Elixir Sue

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Everything posted by Elixir Sue

  1. Oops, thanks Jules...I missed that.
  2. The best guess has been: Alabama Alaska Connecticut Delaware Hawaii Idaho Iowa Maine Mississippi Nebraska New Mexico South Carolina South Dakota Utah Vermont Wyoming But apparently that list isn't completely accurate.
  3. from http://www.therockradio.com/2007/04/white-...ad-in-july.html:
  4. Definitely. Although I'm thinking the marimba might be left behind on the next tour. As for Blue Orchid, I could take it or leave it...but I love Get Behind me Satan as a whole, and I completely disagree about Jack's songwriting going downhill. Lyrically, GBMS is my favorite.
  5. We know. It doesn't matter. Most people in this area (including me) will continue to call it Kroger's.
  6. Who's the guy at the front of the line?
  7. Caving to pressure from Oprah? He was just on there defending rappers and their lyrics last week. Simmons on Oprah
  8. There's a strike going on affecting the ones in Kentucky right now and it's been hard to find ANY fresh bread or produce. But the ice cream supply is A-OK!
  9. Yeah, but only without the goodies. At least, that's how it is at the stores that stock NME near me.
  10. I stopped by Kroger's on the way home, and they had the Cinnamon Buns flavor! I have seen the light.
  11. Anybody in the UK with a paypal account want to hook a sista up?? I'd be eternally grateful...
  12. I wonder if this has reached Kentucky yet.
  13. Exhibit #2: Phish Food. Edit: Right on, Earl.
  14. So is it cinnamon flavored ice cream? Vanilla ice cream with cinnamon bun bits? Cinnamon swirl? This has definitely piqued my interest...
  15. I guess I 'get' why most of these are on the list, but would somebody explain the importance of Donna Summers - I Feel Love?
  16. We're involved in a heated post race and I didn't even know it. Yeah, I think I got lucky with the seat, although it appears to be way over on the side. Bring the whole family on down, I'm sure my neighbors won't mind.
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