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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I was actually uncomfortable reading your posts to Poptodd, Aman. Seemed a tad harsh. But then again, contrary to what Sir Stewart thinks, I really don't like conflict.
  2. I like them...but I can never tell whether they are supposed to be a somewhat nostalgic tribute or if they are post-ironic snarky. Either way...I like them.
  3. As an aside here... Is you screen name /I am rod/ or /"lowercase l" am rod---pronounced Lam rod?
  4. I would agree...but I am guilty of said offense. At least I keep Crow as a part of my screen name no matter what
  5. Time Consuming? Make that LIFE consuming. Do not underestimate the power of the force
  6. I wonder if any Wilco fans go to the Son Volt board and talk crap... I would check if I cared one whit about Son Volt these days.
  7. Personally, I thought it was a cheap shot. You have DEFINITELY shown that you are here for the long haul.
  8. Which I don't really buy..didn't he hit the road with Beth Orton in 06 and Iron and Wine in 07?
  9. Do we have a clear answer as to why Leroy Bach left the band? It doesn't appear that it was acrimonious. But there has never really been a clean statement as to why from either camp. There are/were statements galore from both parties about Max Johnson, Ken Coomer, Bob Egan (to a certain degree) and, of course Jay. But there is nothing concrete about Leroy. Not wanting to start a flame war or pissing match, but I am really curious about this.
  10. Thing is, I don't think it is just conservative commentators. I've been listening to NPR and XMPR, and I was astonished that it appears to be a widely held opinion by those who study the Far East. Me...I'm glad he got those girls out of that Paranoid state. I don't care if it feeds the impression that seems to be held that the US is a paper tiger. I'm hoping Obama sends Jimmy Carter to talk to Goober in Iran to get those hikers back.
  11. Maybe I've missed a thread here, but I am astounded that no one has commented on Bill Clinton's mission to North Korea to secure the release of the two female journalists.
  12. Once you do MMORPG...you won't settle for anything less.
  13. In honor of my anniversary with this board, I am reviving a WILD MERCURY SOUND post. Let's play!!! His list My list 1) Wilco --- Yankee Hotel Foxtrot 2) Bruce Springsteen --- Born to Run 3) Elvis Costello --- This Year's Model 4) Bob Dylan --- Blood on the Tracks 5) Drive by Truckers --- Decoration Day 6) Radiohead --- The Bends 7) The Beatles --- Revolver 8) Jimi Hendrix --- Electric Ladyland 9) U2 --- Achtung Baby 10)The Band --- The Band 11)Wilco --- A Ghost is Born 12) Bruce Springstee --- The Wild, The Innocent, the E Street Shuffle
  14. How come you don't got no name? Read a post on the Wilco board by a poster that had no name...
  15. I was wondering what had happened to some of those folks (WMS in particular)
  16. Upon the 5th anniversary of joining the community (officially), I decided to search out my first post. Apparently I don't know how to search efficiently or I don't really exist... I found it. I'm I didn't make my usual splash on this board and alienate everybody with one fell swoop and end up spending the next two years rehabilitating my image (like I did on the AOL Springsteen board..and like GON kinda did here ).
  17. Come on down a couple of steps and party with real people. Seriously, I don't think the elevation of the area behind the sounboard will provide a very good view if you are sitting.
  18. I'll be the old guy in khaki pants with a 15 year old who is 4" taller than me and looks like he's 25
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