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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Took the boy to see it today. We both really enjoyed it. It was really interesting to see Jack White in action. It may all be afectation...but the guy seems like a real throwback. He related to Page better than the Edge did. A lot of fathers and their teenage sons in the theater. The circle will be unbroken... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rl9iS2egnC0
  2. I'm sick to death of hearing things From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites All I want is the truth Just gimme some truth I've had enough of reading things By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians All I want is the truth Just gimme some truth No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of Tricky Dicky Is gonna Mother Hubbard soft soap me With just a pocketful of hope Money for dope Money for rope No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of Tricky Dicky Is gonna Mother Hubbard soft soap me With just a pocketful of soap Money for dope Money for rope I'm sick to death of seeing thi
  3. yeah...a tap on the shoulder justifies coldcocking the guy. Sweet fancy Moses.
  4. Home! Let me go home! Home is wherever I'm with you
  5. Actually...given the song AND cd ASHES OF AMERICAN FLAGS, it could actually be considered somewhat witty. I don't...but one might make a case.
  6. Very interesting footage very inappropriately coupled with music from what is, for all intents and purposes, an Alex Chilton Solo effort...
  7. Not everybody who reads these articles is an uberfan of Wilco like those who frequent a fan board. These articles are not written with us in mind. It was a pretty nice article.
  8. This REALLY bothers you about YOU never know? It's four repititions of two couplets of I don't care anymore x2. 16 times. Hardly on the scale of a live "Misunderstood". It seems as though you are looking for reasons to be discontent. If they finished One Wing with a guitar freakout you would complain that guitar solos are lazy songwriting tools are you would complain that Jay could have done it better.
  9. Here you go... Cryptique's codicil to Godwin's Law: Any iternet discussion of a current or former flavor of the month band will inevitably lead to the use of the phrase 'indie hipster' in defense of said current/former flavor of the month band.
  10. It is simply one of the most astounding performances I have EVER seen. If he was an American actor, he would be a household name.
  11. This may not be the place for this...but Bruno Ganz's performance in Der Untergang is absolutely ASTOUNDING.
  12. Anybody know anything about, played, or have one of these? http://www.renaissanceguitars.com/model-1-guitar-mahogany.php
  13. Good to see the money you spent on the Dale Carnegie course is paying off...
  14. The following blurb tells you everything you need to know about the bankruptcy of the creative process in Hollywood:
  15. No...no editing for content. I sometimes edit for spelling and grammar.
  16. He's not ever going to be up for sainthood, but he was the largest presence in American public life for years. And for those of you offended at any Chappaquiddick mention, it is a part of his life. He is getting the same response from the righty nuts that Reagan got from the lefty nuts (without being personally responsible for a death). People need to learn decorum. RIP Edward Kennedy.
  17. I squish bugs I don't like and go out of my way to save bugs I like Bugs I don't like: Spiders, Roaches, Spiders, Flies Bugs I like: Bees, Crickets, Lady Bugs And why I feel the need to comment on this inane post I can't even begin to guess
  18. Hmmm...2001? (That's when I first heard YHF and when I heard the comments...I remember finding the original site before AGIB and lurking around a bit. I found this place through the Wilco newsgroup.) But is that really the point of my post? All I have ever heard here is how outstanding YHF is...but then again, that started at least three years after the fact. Now that there have been two nits picked on my original post, my position still stands. Of course...YMMV
  19. He understands...he just feels it necessary to be the contrarian.
  20. A member of Bread, the Wrecking Crew, Duane Eddy's Rebels... Played bass for various Bands in the studio (The Doors, The Byrds, the Beach Boys, The Mamas and the Papas, Elvis) Played the piano on Bridge over Trouled Water. Played the lead guitar on the incredible Guitar Man. Died of a heart attack on the 20th. This guy was THERE.
  21. A really rocking song from a band that is famous as the ultimate soft rock band.. Freedom - keep walkin' Keep on your toes and don't stop talkin' 'bout Freedom - get goin' Lots to be learned and lots to be knowin' 'bout People - gotta reach 'em Sit 'em right down and then you gotta teach 'em 'bout Freedom - gotta win it Gotta put yourself smack dab in it Hey tomorrow Now don't you go away 'Cause freedom Just might come your way Freedom - keep tryin' People stay alive and people keep dyin' for Freedom - so don't lose it Ya gotta understand ya just can't abuse it Freedom -
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