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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. One of the best things about the remasters is that it opens up a lot of information that many Beatles fans had forgotten or never knew. The guys seem to be rather petty and short sighted on a lot of issues in retrospect. Abbey Road seems fraught with these kind of silly issues. Case in point: Lennon had been quoted as feeling that the others (particularly Paul) had not given their all or even tried to sabatoge John's tunes. That reeks of the bitter, iconoclastic Lennon when one considers Come Together. Lennon had no arrangement when he brought it to the boys. McCartney slowed the tempo dow
  2. With all apologies to the mad genius of PANTHER, I have attempted to make it a bit more coherent (not changing any content):
  3. Reading comprehension isn't really your strong suit, is it? I surfed by. I stopped to watch a train wreck. I left.
  4. Actually, it was pretty good. His writing style makes one concentrate on reading it. And the content is really pretty good.
  5. I'm old enough that I doen't even consider watching the VMA'S. I was surfing around Sunday night and I stopped on MTV as Lady Gaga started her act. Sweet Fancy Moses what a fucking trainwreck. I guess she felt the need to finally put to an end the 'lady gaga is a herm' rumors. Talk about a Camel Toe. \ That and the fake blood made it an 'interesting' viewing experience. Guess I should have stuck around for Kanye's floor show.
  6. I don't know if I am a big fan of this idea. Someone once told me that cover songs were for bar bands and bands who have run out of ideas. Live...ok. Recording...meh.
  7. It's not like rubbers aren't available. It's not like these kids don't have this drilled into them from the 6th grade on (so to speak). The issue is one that every man understands and immature men can't deal with. Simply and crudely said...it doesn't feel as good with a rubber. And no amount of education or hand wringing will combat the fact that is all young men REALLY care about.
  8. Then let this damn thread die...sorry I brought it up in the first place.
  9. Pancreatic cancer...a most horrible way to die. I've lost a couple of frienda snd acquaintances to this terrible disease.
  10. We all know you found you secular god...we are just funnin' with you.
  11. "Severely dislocated wrist" That is a very serious injury
  12. Yeah... But all that being said...we really aren't a community, are we?
  13. How ungracious an acceptance speech. I never would have ever guessed that he was so petty and bitter.
  14. I would expect that there should be fines for the late hit on McNabb in the endzone.
  15. Tennis players' behavior is a constant source of amusement. Of course, the call was insane. Calling a foot fault at that point after she had been doing it the entire match? And is it even really a foot fault? Tennis will soon become professional wrestling.
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