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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I was saying the same thing when the new goofy screen names showed up
  2. I got it...I was taking the piss out of the witcher man. (I guess I am not the resident Wilco apologist...) Plus...one can never have too many pictures of monkeys in glasses. (Shout out to Carlos!)
  3. I don't know much about your situation, but...(redaction of very poor advice in respect to Ponch's advice) You have my thoughts and vibes/prayers. Sincerely
  4. Exactly my point. I didn't remember Ellen Feiss, but the tone of Alan's post could have led to much nastiness. It could have been a picture of you, your daughter, your deceased sister...
  5. I would add the following things I've learned from this thread Sometimes getting poop in the mail can be "a joke that was appreciated by all parties involved" People still get pissed off about Wilco's tour schedule Never take cold medicine before shooting a commercial Vaginas trump pcs I won't be getting Christmas cards from A-Man or Speedracer...
  6. Peyton Manning makes a LOT of defenses look pathetic. Those Manning boys know how to play them some football.
  7. Now that's not a very nice post. This is the kind of unwarranted nastiness that will get me to close my thread A ). She's not weird lookin' B ). Are you sure that's not Speed Racer? C ). I think she's cute However, I do associate the posters with their avatars...but I am not a caveman
  8. There's a difference between shooting the shit, stirring the shit, and talking shit. I'm all for the first one, and think VC is a great place for that 99% of the time. I agree with VC that we could all stand to be a little less dramatic sometimes. I think that one of the easiest ways to do that is to refrain from starting threads that are, essentially, laundry lists of VC negativity - baiting people for a response, whether intended humorously or not.
  9. You need to get your self some religion. Get to the Electric church.
  10. A fella's got to keep an air of mystery and unpredictability
  11. You keep posting that you don't like the post. I get it. You, MP and A-man don't like it. It will go away if you stop posting in it.
  12. Not gonna happen...I'm into being punished today. I especially enjoy being scolded by speedracer and a-man
  13. Hell...I thought I was being Jackie Mason and I ended up Charlie Manson. See...that was the victim mentality talking. I was trying to encourage a little perspective by pointing out what I see as contrariness with humor. I either succeeded mightlily or failed terribly. I guess I won't count on any shoutouts or christmas cards...
  14. I guess Black Witcher shouldn't look for any Christmas cards...
  15. Don't hold your breath...he's playing the victim
  16. People grow. People change. I surely wouldn't want to be held to count for some of the things I said or felt 24 years ago.
  17. Well...if you thought Hamilton is brittle, you'd better look at Bradley closely.
  18. As a photo it is sheer art. As an album cover it always struck me as odd.
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