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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Springsteen did a really nice cover of I WANT YOU in late 74 and early 75 (in the shows before the BTR sessions)
  2. Is The Independent a reputable publication (as English newspapers go)?
  3. There's just something about him that makes me squirm. He just wins games. But i find it interesting that when the Cowboys lost in the first round as a #1 seed they were widely ridiculed. But when the Giants did the same thing last year, not a freaking peep. At least we don't have the bat shit crazy circus in town here anymore...
  4. I have a feeling that this may be the norm for him.
  5. I guess I shouldn't have attached my comment to your post. It was not directed in a critical way toward you. I followed along just fine and did just great. My point is/was that no matter how angry, nasty or aggressive a poster is, there will always be shenanigans ensuing to take the piss out of any nasty poster. By the way...anybody wanna bet we've seen the last of the op? Hit and runner.
  6. Legend has it that a former board member did so. It may be an urban myth, but I was around the board at that time, and I wouldn't be surprised if the purported culprit did such an act.
  7. These kind of posts have to be fun to stumble on a couple of days after they get started. The piss really gets taken out of nasty posters around here.
  8. Wow...Milton Bradley can be good, but he can also be a cancer. I don't know if he is worth the pain and angst he would possibly bring.
  9. Didn't you chastise me last week for playing the victim?
  10. Who knows A-man. Some people maganged to get into the spirit of the thing...LouieB knows how to play. And by the way...only mpolak21 and Speedracer were the only posters in this thread who could remotely be considered upset. And seems like they get upset a lot (at least with me). At least I've never mailed a package of poop to anybody.
  11. Or is it...hmmm And on a Pronto thread...
  12. Nice read. I, for one, enjoyed it. Good luck with your being open to different sounds. (It's good to remember that a lot of people read and post here)
  13. They had a deal done. The league disapproved it due to monetary concerns. (apparently the league is somewhat bankrolling the team with advances on TV money) The Rangers' John Daniels has tried to put a good face on the situation...but word has it (wink, wink) that things are going to get ugly next year unless a new ownership team is found.
  14. Unfair. I think most Ranger fans would say they aren't fond of him. The Rangers traded Wilson Alvarez and Sammy Sosa for him in 1989. And he proceeded to stink up the joint and lollygagged. Thanks for you input.
  15. More Like S-A-N-C-H-E-Z. The kid's got game.
  16. Drew Brees...holy crap Isn't this the guy who was supposed to be too short? Isn't he supposed to have a weak arm?
  17. It's a humor post dude...a little literary license is to be expected.
  18. Now this would be an appropriate use of the Troll picture...but it offends the intelligentsia around here.
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