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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Day um http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9t1kicp2jE
  2. I laughed so hard I farted and almost pissed my pants... By the way...nice photos. What do you have inked on your wrist?
  3. Bleu --- Redhead Bleu McAuley is a Boston based musician and he has a killer voice. His album Redhead is a mixture of obsession and desperation that really conveys the emotions of a not so pleasant breakup. I really dig this record and highly recommend it to any and everyone.
  4. Wow...forgot about that one. A song about betrayal for sure
  5. Bruce Springsteen's Tunnel of Love --- especially Brilliant Disguise
  6. Two words for Mr. Simmons to consider: Common Law
  7. Although this is a probably a real coup for Jay, I can't imagine that it won't been seen as a continuation of the imagined rivalry between Jeff and Jay.
  8. My responses to the troll's post are, if I may say so myself, as relevent today as they were then.
  9. He has once using sue's login. He did it in a post where a troll accused him pf plaigarising lyrics from some obscure (actually fictitious) female poet from the 1920's. I'm sure somebody will dig up the link.
  10. LOL Let's not. (Actually, I think I came off as a defender of the band...at least I hope I did).
  11. Lord knows the Cowboys were zinging right along with Bledsoe at QB. (That would be sarcasm). The problems in Dallas the last three years have not revolved around the quarterback. The defense fails at key moments. The Cowboys started clicking in 2006 when Romo became the starter. And if Terry Glenn didn't go brain dead and if the ball wasn't as slick as a shaved Rooster, the outcome in Seattle might have been different. If the defense didnt' phone it in and give up the touchdown to New York right before the half, might have been a different story. But...people remember Romo fumbling the field g
  12. Well...Manning had James and Harrison in 1999 and 2000. And Marshall Faulk and Harrison in 1998. Went 13-3 in 200 and lost to your Dolphins in the first round. Romo wasn't taking the weekly blasting of being a starting QB his first three years in the league. He was carrying a clipboard. He also didn't have Manning's college career with the Div 1A coaching and competition. I understand why people want to dismiss Romo...he the starting quarterback on one of the highest profile teams in professional sports (and one of the most hated as well as beloved franchises). He made a mistake by datin
  13. Now that I am back...I have some observations on the Cowboy stadium, team and life (after a fashion) Went to the Cowboy game Monday night. Good God Almighty...the new Stadium is OFF THE HOOK. Television cannot convey the overwhelming nature of the place. Big, bold, gaudy...it has no peer in the world. The Scoreboard...bigger and better than you can imagine. And the only way that scoreboard is going to get hit by a punt is if a punter intentionally tries to. In a game situation, it is just not going to happen. HD mega screen projection is not kind to some who are having their image broa
  14. Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. I fully understand and accept you argument. However, 144 years ago it was legal in America for a human being to own another human being. Societies evolve. People evolve. But sometimes...you just have to bring the heavy hand of righteous retribution down on the head of those who commit the most heinous of acts on the most innocent and vulnerable in socity. Period.
  15. I felt the need to decloak and suspend my self-imposed exile. There are few issues that are as heinous as adult child sexual interaction. It is the most gross violation of the social contract...in my mind ranking just below murder. Having been a firsthand witness to the devastation that follows this kind of behavior, I cannot fathom how any clear thinking human individual can condone such activity, much less engage in this behavior. It has nothing to do with any religious or political dogma...IT IS WRONG. The ultimate result of unbridled narcissism and hedonism. The ultimate betrayal of
  16. I gotta take a break from this place You guys really don't need to see my meltdown But I had to bump this...I don't really know how I stumbled on this post...it just popped up. I think it was a sign I need to get the fuck outta here
  17. Shake Russell and Dana Cooper Band --- A really, really nice Americana band before there was Americana. Shake's songs have been recorded by some country artists, but this BAND should have hit it big. Ten Hands --- Killer Live band that never caught a break. Band out of the North Texas State jazz world. Kinda like Frank Zappa meets the Kirkwood Brothers Sorta --- These guys were on their way to something really big, but a key band member was killed. (Weird demise...Carter Albrecht died after being shot during a psychotic reaction to the prescriptin drug Chantix). Danny Balis of the band has
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