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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I would like to hear an album full of the band's take on pop rhythm and blues ala "The Thanks I get" and "Side with Seeds". Maybe an album full of crunchy Stonesesque rock songs. Maybe an album of pretty folk rock songs. Maybe just whatever the muse is moving Jeff at that time produces. I will be a happy camper no matter what...the one thing in life that never disappoints.
  2. I kinda forgot this...but all during the wait to get into the Palladium and during the encore break, D-man was telling me how he hoped they would play "The Late Greats". And what do you know...First song, Second Encore. He was singing along at the top of his lungs and digging the moment as only a 15-year old can. It was a moment in time where I could remember the first flush of love for music. Good Times for all.
  3. It's really kinda nice to see pics of people that I might know in an online setting...but the thought of anybody here knowing what I look like scares me to death for some reason. I guess it's the old problem with intimacy and forming attachments thingee. But I would really love for you guys to see how handsome D-man is. He is one good looking, strong, virile, kind kid.
  4. You scoff Mr. 13,297 posts? More like a freckle or two on the ass...
  5. Eh...maybe. I guess Jeff sells it so well that I am projecting that he is really pissed. And "Misunderstood" is much more immediate and direct than "How to Fight Loneliness?"
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEzBeP6pRoY
  7. I am always uncomfortable at the inherent anger in "Misunderstood". I never could tell if his anger was at Jay, the fans who wouldn't accept the growth in the band, the record company of somebody/something else. "I'd like to thank you all for nothing (x30 or 40)" is a little uncomfortable. Is Jeff still REALLY pissed? And if so, who is he pissed at?
  8. I don't want to ruffle any feathers, but my 'pushy and bossy' and 'judgemental' nature compels me to make the following observations. Group dynamics are always the same...even on the internets. This whole scenario is so deja vu for me. In 1998(ish), I was a heavy duty poster on the AOL Bruce Springsteen boards (back when AOL was still moderately acceptable). Very cool days these were. And, as is the way with all collections of people (flesh and blood or binary coded), a certain elite group formed. People who had access to the uber recorder bootlegs; the people who had been to 100's of sho
  9. Actually...the comment was a nod to H. L. Menken (the master of all observation). You dig Arlo Guthrie...I dig H. L. Menken. The older I get, the more I realize that most of responses to life are situational. Nobody is all good, nobody is all bad. Sometimes we act with a total eye to self interest/selfishness and others we act with true selflessness. Some have life more out of balance than others. I more than a bit bemused that after Sue relayed Jeff's wishes that we are still having the discussion as to whether the recordings should be circulated.
  10. A little off topic here...but this list by Jon Dee Graham is a hoot: Awkward moments in my musical life:
  11. Hmmm...better watch it. You will be accused of perpetuating negativity. The only problem with Wilco is the sense of entitlement some fans have.
  12. ...yeah, from what I could tell. I had a guy pass out right in front of me during the song and it was a BIT distracting.
  13. Whatever his musical sins and inadequacies, McCartney never released anything as embarrassing or pretentious as Sometime in New York City. Lennon had the advantage of a limited catalogue and a 'retirement' at an early age. I remember the full page open letter in Rolling Stone begging Lennon to resume his career. Yeah...we really needed more songs like Whatever Gets You Thru The Night (eh...kindy of snarky there). As much as I love(d) Lennon, I think he gets a free pass on a lot of stuff because he was the tortured artist and, ultimately, the terribly tragic end to his life. He cluttered h
  14. This is the cornerstone of every Wilco show as far as I am concerned. However, Hate it Here has really snuck on me the last couple of shows. But Handshake Drugs it is...
  15. Elvis and Lucinda ---There's a story in your voice Once upon another time If you had the need I'd step right in the shoes that you've been walking 'Cos someone put the hurt in you For every one to see And you only have to speak to tell your fortune There's a story in your voice Both by damage and by choice It tells of promises and pleasure And a tale of wine and woe The uneasy time to come And the long way 'round we go to get there Once you told me fairytales Everybody knows But I didn't care for their prediction Now you say you're leaving me And packing up your clothes I finally see
  16. Are you being obtuse? OF COURSE IT'S IMPOSSIBLE. (IT's shorthand...Every batter is looking to go yard every time, every situation, overswinging, etc.) The Rangers havebeen a team the always sinks to the occassion, scoring a lot of runs when it doesn't matter. And it happened on Rudy's watch. He's been the one consant on the team over several managerial regimes.
  17. Oh please...Rudy's players are noted for their lack of discipline at the plate. Every batter up at the plate is looking to hit a 5 run homer.
  18. All I know is this: DO THEY KNOW WHAT XL MEANS? Shit...I look like comic book guy when I wear mine.
  19. Read here long enough and you will begin to have doubts...
  20. How about "While my Guitar Gently Weeps"? "This Song" by George also "Your Song" by Elton? You really have a LOT of time on your hands. Great song.
  21. Harshness...harshness... Then probably Mayish.
  22. And...if they have a recording session in January, I don't forsee this material being released until Novermberish.
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