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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I believe he's been outed...word is that it is Eric Serafin
  2. I think the three guitar front would be a nice match for Get Back
  3. Etymology: Latin Adverb ab aeterno 1. Since the beginning of time. 2.(figuratively) Since a very long time ago
  4. Sayid and Hurley in a modern remake of the Odd Couple.
  5. And it you broached the subject of getting back togther, you would get maced and be hit with a TRO
  6. This thread is kind of like wanting to hook up with an old girlfriend from High School. Dude...she's 15 years older, has three kids, weighs 50 pounds more, and she never really liked you anyway.
  7. Where are Illegal immigrants being denied treatment on demand at publically supported hospitals? My only frame of reference is Parkland Hospital in Dallas. No such deinal occurs (at least to my knowledge).
  8. I don't think Ken left the band on the best of terms...remember?
  9. Yes I do. The ONLY way this would ever come off is if they worked with Gary Louris and Mark Olson and/or Brian Henneman. But then, that wouldn't be Uncle Tupelo. And I don't think they owe it to themselves to delve into a (somewhat) painful and acrimonious past. However, these guys were kids when the broke up. There is still time.
  10. While I understand the sentiment, it seems like this is a most unlikely occurance. Even if Jay and Jeff didn't have this history of unspoken (and at time spoken) animosity, they fact that they are in such different places musically these days would make it unlikely if not downright impossible. There is no way these guys are going back to what they were, and the divergent approaches to their music these days makes a common meeting ground doubtful. Besides, Mike has had a recent unpleasant break with Jay. Is it a Uncle Tupelo without Mike? Are going to reunite the original three piece (whi
  11. Can we now stop referring to Mike Tomlin as a genius? He won his superbowl piggybacking on Cowher's last team.
  12. A-man has alluded to a story he has about meeting Jay that may have been somewhat less than pleasant (at least that's the impression I got)...but I have never read it.
  13. Box Full of Letters Misunderstood Red eyed and Blue-->I Got You The Lonely One California Stars I'm Always in Love Via Chicago Remember the Mountain Bed I am Trying to Break Your Heart Jesus, Etc. Handshake Drugs (live) Theologians Side With Seeds Impossible Germany One Wing
  14. Ran the webpage for Smash through a translator. Say one thing for the Japanese hypsters... no references to the 'ashes of Uncle Tupelo'
  15. From Jules, A-man, GoN and Sir Stewart.
  16. I either watch the NLF network or MLB network when my neck puts me hors de combat. But every now and then the History Channel will have some cool stuff about The Romans (Engineering and Empire etc.).
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