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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. He has tried several times...maybe he's just had enough. His is certainly a sad story. His music was his redemption...maybe it's just not enough anymore
  2. And when all is said and done...that's really the important thing.
  3. I kind of resent my post being merged here. Why resurrect a thread where the last post was a month and a half ago? The post about Tyler going into rehab (again) is certainly worthy of its own thread. If an interesting tidbit about a new Dylan album comes out are we going to resurrect that thread?
  4. My best of 2009 revolves around what I BOUGHT this year. I discovered some older stuff that most of you guys knew about, but since it was new to me...on the list it goes. I fully understand that some of these are OLDER releases...I don't care. Don't point it out to me. It was new in 2009 to ME. TV ON THE RADIO --- Dear Science TV ON THE RADIO --- Return to Cookie Mountain ARCADE FIRE --- Funeral I was really late to the party on these three...but I find them to live up to the hype. WILCO --- Wilco GRIZZLY BEAR --- Veckatimest PEARL JAM --- Back Spacer MONSTERS OF FOLK --- Monsters of Fol
  5. Favre has spit the bit quite a lot in his career, hasn't he?
  6. This explains quite a bit of the brouhaha from last month...
  7. Danny is REALLY talented. He has been a part of several Top notch Dallas bands (The Sparrows, Sorta) that slipped through the cracks. The unfortunate death of Carter Albrecht tore the heart out of Sorta just when it looked like they might have a chance to break in a major way. Check out Carter Albrecht...it is worth a listen. And you'll understand a lot of where Danny's songs come from.
  8. Favre's December collapses in 2008 and 2009 are more glaring than Tony Romo's.
  9. That's the way it should be. I picture you talking to a large, invisible rabbit or snogging with Grace Kelly (lucky bastard).
  10. 1310 (The Ticket) is using Casino Queen and Heavy Metal Drummer as segment bumper music.
  11. You really remind me of my favorite uncle who would go from smiling and laughing to DEFCON 1 with the gentlest of teasing. Proportionality dude.
  12. All of the Stars Wars movies are ultimately flawed (except for The Empire Strikes Back), but The Phantom Menace is such an abomination that mere words cannot describe the ultimate clusterfuck that it is.
  13. The Danny Balis record is SUBLIME. It sounds vital, yet harkens back to the days of the two Hanks (Williams and Snow). Danny Balis
  14. Semi-hipster or Hipster-Lite It could be worse. To me these lists look like they mix in a few bands that they google searched under "Obscure bands to make the oldsters scratch their heads and say WTF!"
  15. Falling out of a truck while his fiance was trying to leave? I wonder if there might be more to this sad, sad story.
  16. Tacky? Stinger Note? Do you like the song or not? That should be your most important concern. Remember Forget the Flower? Heavy Metal Drummer? Nothingsevergonnastandinmywayagain? They have done the 'hard ending' (it's late and I can't remember the correct musical expression) to great effect since the begining. Enjoy the music if you're so inclined. Don't worry about the minutae.
  17. Idiocy from the self-absorbed, narcissistic generation. Not really surprising.
  18. So...WWII was THEIR fault? After all, according to Pastor Arnold's argument, Hitler could have been stopped with some non-violent dissent. They didn't stay and dissent; therefore... Probably the wise choice. Hanging from a meathook by piano wire has a way of ruining your day.
  19. Ok...just when did Jim James become 'Yim Yames' and just what does this represent? A heavy handed attempt at speech impediment humor? (I've seen the George Harrison tribute album...so I know it isn't anything new.)
  20. The best part of the picture is the GiGi Album on the floor.
  21. I listened to it yesterday and I listened to American Central Dust also. It is hard to imagine that Jeff and Jay were once so intertwined personally and professionally.
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