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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. These threads are like a kick in the cods...
  2. JHamm is the Jacob of this board. Rarely seen but one of the most important players. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  3. The panic attack stricken me would close this thread right now...but I want to see what some of our 'professional' journalists think of this. (I know Bjorn is a professional but I am not sure how many others on here are...)
  4. I think this was course correction by the Universe. Juliette and Sawyer never belonged together. And I wonder if Miles was correct...the bomb in the well WAS the incident.
  5. Yeah...guilty as charged. I closed several of the threads I started in a fit of panic the other day. Shit happens sometimes bro.
  6. Nothing'severgonnastandinmyway(again) Handshake Drugs One Wing
  7. ...At least the DMB comparison wasn't done by a fucking board member.
  8. And by the way...Josh Holloway's (Sawyer) scene at the end heroically striving to save Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliette) was absolutely wrenching. I GOT YOU... If there was a bit more emotional investment by the viewer in their relationship, this would be the most emotional television moment ever.
  9. Someone/thing was being imprisoned in the cabin...remember Bram's observation to Ilena that the ash ring was broken. Is the cabin the one that Horace was shown to be building when Locke ran across his ghost/avatar in the jungle? Locke inadvertantly freed who/whatever was in the cabin, he broke the ash ring. Maybe the smoke monster form was all that was available to the Man in Black while his Ka was imprisoned in the cabin. Unless the smoke monster serves the man in black. I am getting the feeling that Man in Black/Locke are involved in a game of sorts. It is apparent that they cannot harm ea
  10. Well...as I didn't get awakened in that special fashion by Downtown this morning, this thread has been the highlight of my day. Thanks to all for the birthday salutations.
  11. I guess the criticism of W(TA) comes with the territory. I remember hearing YHF called "more of Jeff Tweedy's noise shit" and ST called "The most depressing album the Beach Boys never released".
  12. Yes, I actually did consider quitting. But I can't quit you guys...this is only the third birthday wish I have gotten all day. I must really be as Sir Stewart portrayed me...
  13. Just occurred to me when I was watching the ESPN highlights of last night's game. And, assuming you are being humorous here, That gif is really funny...the missing teeth of a six year old always crack me up
  14. I remember the great angst and hubub when this was going on a couple of years ago. Was it Ron Cey who was so volatile on this subject? I think that the book is still a worthy read and has probably helped a lot of people find their way to getting sober.
  15. Each scenario involves a group trying to kill Jacob or destroy the energy pocket. I reckon that's why the statue was destroyed (the Black Rock was loaded with explosives...)
  16. LIke I said in another post...this place is like herpes.
  17. I think Richard goes back much further than the Black Rock. And, don't assume that the 'Locke' is the evil dude. Jacob does appear to be the one manipulating things... I am chosing to view the conflict as free will vs. destiny or order vs. chaos
  18. These are avatars...the faux-Locke has the memories of the deceased Locke. There was a really crazy post on a Lost fan forum about all the O6 (and others) being 'inhabited' by the spirits/souls/essences of entities on the island...a kind of merge of kas with the spirit merging its personality with the Lostie. Thus Ben 'never being the same...forever one of us'. Thus the voices...the whispers. I have a feeling I am going to be crazy by the time 2010 rolls around.
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