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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. OK...now that I'm home, I am in full rock out mode. I will say that I have a limited musical vocabulary. I know what I-IV-V means, but I dont' know what chords they would indicate. I understand time signatures and the 8-bar, 12-bar motifs, but I don't know WHY one would play a song in 3/4 as opposed to 4/4 time. I count things in my head looking for that 8 bar count. But beyond that, I recognize key changes but can't tell you what key a song is in. I won't play spot the influences here. But like all creative bands, you guys are synthesizing a lot of materila and really making it your own. Fo
  2. The batshit crazy shooter is part of a scary trend. There are a lot of angry people out there. People who feel powerless and are looking for a political party/ethnic/religious group to blame. People angry at what they see as the erosion of their rights. People who want to seceed from the Union. People angry at the erosion of their wealth while the rich live like Modern Romans. People angry at the erosion of the middle class. There are a lot of fearful people. People who feel even more powerless at (what they feel to be) the hands of an all powerful, impersonal group of 'others'. People af
  3. I wonder how he managed to get a shotgun anywhere close to the place. There really isn't a lot of street parking in the area and surely he didn't have it on the mass transit.
  4. Free Internet and OJ...sounds like a goooood morning.
  5. Have you guys decided on an Album title? Remember... LETTERS I NEVER SENT
  6. Thanks for the link. I have listened to the first three track so far (four times in a row then in sequence) and I will say that I REALLY like this. I keep coming back to ANOTHER DAY IN PARADISE. Hope this gets you guys some recognition...and maybe some filthy lucre to boot.
  7. I would be thrilled to hear your work and offer whatever opinions I have. While I am not a music journalist, I am involved in the print media (after a fashion). I also love Music. Lay it on me Brutha!!!
  8. I actually learned only one: MPolak needs to go outside and get some sun today. Maybe take some Vitamin C.
  9. Yes. D-man and I have been listening to it steadily and enjoying every minute of it. The three people I turned onto it have expressed great pleasure in hearing it. You naysayers ever think you MIGHT be Jaded?
  11. Behind the puppets and lipsynching, there is an obviously deep and thoughtful man. I stumbled across this on youtube today, and it is just as moving now as it was the first time I saw it... Craig Ferguson on alcoholism
  12. Sweet fancy Moses. They haven't been associated in a professional or personal fashion for almost 8 years. Do YOU know where you're ex-co-workers/lovers/friends that you haven't talked to since 2001 are living now?
  13. Not every professional athelete who is an asshole suffers from roid rage.
  14. Is there any word on the results of the autopsy? Actually...I hope the information will never be released. The final indignity is having the cause of death being bandied about for the masses.
  15. Now my screen name looks even MORE weird.
  16. Dallas has been blown off by Wilco AND Springsteen. All is not well in Crowdom.
  17. I've been sick all week and REALLY missed this place. Lotsa shit has gone down the last two weeks...
  18. I picked up something from one of the internet things I read. When Jacob tells the faux-Locke "They're coming", he meant the lostie crew (I thought he meant Ilana and Richard). Therefore, there was not a detonation of the bomb, there was a time flash. Now whether of not Juliet is alive is still open for discussion.
  19. I know this is a thread that is rightly focuses on experssions of grief for the loss of a person who was very instrumental in our favorite band. I think that we should recognize that matters had grown to a head in 2001 and from comments in IATTBYH (pointedly the comments by Leroy Bach, a friend for many years), it was impossible for Jay to continue in the band. A sad end to that stage of his life. However, he lived 8 more productive years after he left Wilco. Jay was, ultimately, human. Human foibles and faults and gloriously talented. Life is short. He will be missed.
  20. And Jeff pointedly mentioned his history with migranes and vomiting.
  21. Is it appropriate to view Pat as a 'replacement' for Jim? Leroy and Jim were both involved in AGIB. Leroy was more the multi-instrumentalist and Jim the guitarist (sorta...bear with me, it fits my argument and this IS the internet).; therefore, I view Pat as the replacement for Leroy and Nels the replacement for Jim. Thoughts?
  22. A fitting tribute and a good remidner of just how out there Wilco was in the late 90's and just how important Jay was to the overall sound. Watching Bob Egan fall off the stage in I GOT YOU gave me the first laugh I've had in ages.
  23. I was thinking along the same lines. Just a coincidence that Widmore's daughter ends up in love with the one person who can change time? I was wondering at just how convenient it was that Penny's boat showed up within hours of the helicopter crash. She is a real sleeper in the Lost good guy/bad guy (or order/chaos, free will/destiny if you please) dance.
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