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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I have a real Occam's Razor view of Braun's 'situation'.
  2. Actually, I meant why would a college offer a course pass fail anymore.
  3. Listening to the tracks as they are streamed, this thing is going to be epic. The melding of electronic beats, guitar rock and Celtic folk song stylings makes for some really interesting listening. That and Bruce is at his pissed off best lyrically.
  4. I don't think that's fair to Chris and Tina. They have made more money of their solo career that David has on his. I think they simply want to relive the joy of the collaborative process. David can do whatever the hell he wants to. But Talking Heads is infinitely more important than any of their solo careers. And that probably only matters to fans. They have been off the scene for long enough that I don't think a reunion would have much impact. In their heyday, they were bigger than REM, U2, the Police. They had multiple top 40 hits that didn't pander to popular tastes. They could have been ep
  5. I was about to make a long post about the eventual convergence of the tea party and occupy wall street in a full spectrum rejection of the oligarchs. However, it will never happen. The political parties and media are fully invested in the status quo. I've been reading a lot of Chris Hedges lately and watching Libertarian videos. The mainstream has found a really effective was to squelch any critical thought on issues...ridicule. I have been thinking about the very nature of our involvements in foreign wars and the basic fact that almost every President since Truman has been guilty of war crim
  6. Not to derail the thread further, but I can identify so much with that line. It really cements the air of personal isolation and desperation of that Record.
  7. Why? There's no draft anymore.
  8. Being Wrong is a right that every human has and fully partakes of at one time or another.
  9. Oh yeah,...he's a real Adolph Hitler or Josef Stalin. Get some perspective. He is someone whom you disagree with.
  10. The boys are getting really good at dealing with interviewers who have NO idea who they are.
  11. One thing you all seem to be losing sight of is that at the end of the day, these candidates are looking to do what they think is the best thing for the country. Disagree with them, but save the hatred for sports and music.There is a big difference between being wrong and being evil.
  12. I think David Byrne is analogous to Robbie Robertson: talented, egomaniacal, unwilling or unable to recognize the contributions of his band mates and probably more than a bit of an asshole There is a distinct disconnect between reality and his perception. There is a synergy that exists in really great bands. Byrne's solo work has been odd, marginal, touched with brilliance and largely forgettable. Hope he enjoys basking in his former glory.
  13. The chemistry looks SO bad for the Marlins...it's like they were putting together a fantasy team. If Ramirez and Zambrano don't fly off the rails, then maybe. But past history shows that one of both of these guys will go ballistic sooner or later.
  14. Bruce has made his best records when he had something on the line or was responding to something he feels/felt strongly about. WoaD was one of those "well, the band is hot, I have some songs and Brendan isn't busy. Let's do a record" as opposed to "Goddamnit, I'm angry about the Iraqi war/erosion of civil liberties" or "I'm tired of seeing the working man get screwed" or "my nation has been wounded...I need to respond". Sometimes he takes his elder statesman/troubador of the people mantle a bit too seriously; but the man seems to be able to hit the right chord and make the exactly right record
  15. http://www.usdebtclock.org/index.html
  16. Interesting problem. I have taken to going to the create an account tab and hit the login button there.
  17. Here's the deal. You can't dicatate how the thread will proceed. You create it and you leave it in the lap of the gods. I still say after much consideration and thought that it should be Jim O'Rourk, amending my original thought.
  18. This one is a real relief after the disaster that was Working on a Dream. This one sounds like a real winner.
  19. I agree. Yim Yames and Jay's songs sound a bit...predictable? I'll still buy it.
  20. For me, the poppier songs on Summerteeth have the pot soaked, melodic bent of Wings.
  21. So obvious it slipped it mind Well...making a record with somebody would probably count double...therefore: Scott McCaughey and Jim O'Rourke (I won't count Mavis...)
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