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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Jeff and Jim carried the guitar playing water on AGiB.
  2. Well, pedal steel and violins were used on YHF. Bob didn't play any fiddle (to my knowledge). I still think there is a tendency to lionize Jay. His importance is undeniable, but he wore out his welcome. I do find it somewhat fascinating that we feel the need to keep bringing Jay into the conversation 11 years after he left the band and almost three years after his very untimely passing.
  3. I have spared you my DirectTV rant. They were only slightly less incompetent with the new line installation (let me just say it took them THREE TRIPS to do a simple line drop).
  4. Just wondering here... Does Jay/Son Volt have a fan based message board? Do the posters there give any thought or posting time to all matters Wilco?
  5. You sir, are the guilty party for deflection. And I will violate Godwin's law and accuse you of being a grammer and vocabulary Nazi. A Gross is 144. 144 is a Gross.
  6. There are certain problems that the rest of the world cannot understand nor sympathize with that we spoiled Westerner First Worlders are forced to endure. I feel silly in bringing this to a public forum, but it is too good a story not to pass on. The Saturday after Thanksgiving (that would be November 26th), we had a shill...er Sales Rep for ATT UVerse do a cold call at our house. My son (the many times aforementioned D-Man) actually listened to his speil. (As an aside here, we have been running DSL here because my neighborhood didn't have access to the good stuff). He indicated that the H
  7. I've been holding back posting a response to this one, but I fully understand where the OP and the responders are coming from. Jay was a mad scientist. Guitarist, keyboardist, producer, collaborator...but he was also an instigator, a co-dependent enabler, aggressive, obsessive and abrasive. Although it has never really been stated, Max and Bob were pushed out and the statements seem to indicate that Jay, if not the reason, was certainly egging it on. Jay had so very obviously worn out his welcome IATTBYH certainly allowed a lot the tension to come to light (the bitter comments by Leroy o
  8. Not to derail the thread...but separated at birth/death?
  9. Admission here. I don't like My Darling.
  10. The Avetts are talented and cool. However, your needy thread titles are a bit off putting.
  11. 1. Don't care 2. Opinion based posts are just that...opinions 3. Must be a computer glitch...I wouldn't take the time to post it twice (But yeah...I found that odd also)
  12. Nobody wants to admit this is possible...but you know what's coming. ColdPlay.
  13. Nobody wants to admit this...but you know what's coming. ColdPlay.
  14. I believe JUST A KID is the party responsible for those groovy Wilco Jumbles!
  15. Seeing a certain Harridan supervisor is not there seeing somebody has brought donuts
  16. You know...all singers are actors to a certain extent. Some do it on the silver screen, but all do it on the concert stage.
  17. At one point, I was afraid that Wilco was going to turn into the revolving door fest that was the Byrds for and extended period. This band has synergy...and that's saying a lot because the individual members are extraordinary players.
  18. My original point in was that when Glenn was introduced to the Wilco fandom, some of the resultant press made it sound like Jeff was pulling yahoos off the street. I remember feeling like things could get pretty dire pretty quick when I heard that both Ken AND Jay were out of the band. Ken is/was a very good drummer. He is a feel drummer. Maybe not a technician, but certainly much more than competent. If one can give creedence to the Kott book, he was a bit confrontational about having to redo drum parts...and Jeff and Jay were all about using the recording process to the fullest extent. It is
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