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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Why do you believe them when they say "other people laugh at (your) Wilco stories?" It really amazes me that a person would be so rude to you in a work situation. You know...this might actually deserve a trip to the human resources office for a 'hostile workplace' complaint. (JK...but the person you are dealing with sounds very immature and even more unprofessional).
  2. Why does this person even venture his/her opinion about what you do? Two word description for this person: Arrogant Asshole. Do not give their opinion any creedence or importance. And...tell them you don't give a rat's ass what they think.
  3. I wrote you a love song on the back of a Bible On the back of a Bible, A love song for you I ain't no authority about what it says in it Can't even begin it But that page in the back is blank and waiting for you Heard me a sad song on the way to a wedding On the way to a wedding on my car radio I can't remember the words to the verses But I remember the chorus I don't remember who was marrying who But I'll always know this love song to you I hate this motel room they all smell the same The view of the parking lot etched in my brain Stuck in this town and you're so far away I ain't got no p
  4. Didn't Barbe play in the Screwtopians (as well as produce most of the DBT records?)
  5. You neither have to be, nor prove that you are hip. Not everybody likes everything. I don't get the Grateful Dead. I don't get Bon Iver either. I sometimes wonder if there is a deficiency in my taste, but it is what it is.
  6. I like to do an either or with the meats. I used to cook my own corned beef, but that is insane.
  7. It's a moot point. Jeff has never evidenced that sort of nostalgia. At least the band isn't doing an record covering Pink Floyd.
  8. They could do it like Springsteen did in his salute and retrospective of his albums on his last tour: Play an intro set, play the album being tributed, play an outro set and whateve encores they want. And one show with a tribute to their monumental accomplishment does not equate to turning their back on new material.
  9. Wilco --- Vic Theatre 12-15-2011 Kurt Vile --- Smoke Rings for my Halo Wilco --- The Deli Tray Incident Radiohead --- Berlin 9-11-2001
  10. On the boot of the Vic show from the 15th, you can hear people shushing the talkers. And it worked.
  11. Heard "Shot in the Arm" on KXT while on my way home from the Dr. Sounded REALLY good on the radio.
  12. It's the interwebs. None of this really matters anyway.
  13. It is a long way, they have a lot of people they would have to fly over. Just how many shows could they play in Australia? They're not a draw like Springsteen who can sell 50,000 tickets at the drop of a hat. I imagine they love The Aussies and Kiwis, but funding these jaunts cannot be cheap. Jeez...and you call me Mr. Negative.
  14. Made Reuben sandwiches tonight. Gotta use pumpernickle bread and Russian dressing. Yum.
  15. I try really hard at Christmas, but it is always a struggle. My Grandmother died Christmas night 1987, and things were a little tough for quite a while. Several Years ago my mother suffered a debilitating stroke and my side of our family fell apart a bit. My wife's family is so disfunctional that every gathering is more adventerous than enjoyable. We have taken to having our own Christmas traditions, but as the kids get older, it gets a bit more fractured with their work and school.
  16. My daughter graduated from Texas A&M this saturday (in three and a half years...love saving those cash outlays for a bit). My Son was formally admitted into the Aerospace Engineering Program at Texas A&M. I bask in the glow of the accomplishments of my children. They make my heart full.
  17. I wonder what our Wilco Whovians think of the merits of the reboot Doctors. It seems that David Tennant has the largest number of fans among the fanbase at large with Matt Smith being a love him or hate him proposition. Tennant's stand as the Doctor was hampered by some really ugly scripts. I wish Christopher Eccelston had a longer run. He had a nice mix of darkness, damaged persona and goofiness that brought the Doctor back with a nice flourish. You could feel his regret, desperation and self loathing for being the destroyer of his race. My Daughter really likes Smith and barely tolerates
  18. I know...doing it with the muddle of 9 hours of sleep for the week. There were a couple of plot holes that I wanted to get A-man's take on. I have 65 episodes on my handy dandy dvr. BBC America doesn't broadcast in HD, so the space taken in relatively small.
  19. They are following the template that many bands follow on long stands in the same town and mix things up. They just don't do a large number of stands that we get to see this in action more often.
  20. A-man...what did you think of "The Marriage of River Song?"
  21. Crap...I did too. That's why I hate doing stuff like this. I always miss one and include something from a previous year.
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