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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I do love me some Bob Costas. Watching Studio 42 on the MLB network.
  2. I can forgive you including the johnny corndawg for your inclusion of the Deep Vibrartion. that is a really nice and overlooked record.
  3. Perhaps the problem isn't with the band. And I doubt anybody from here will post to your blog.
  4. I got big balls Big ole balls Big as grapefruits Big as pumpkins Yes sir, yes sir And on my really good days They swell to the size of small dogs My balls are as big as small dogs Well, it ain't braggin' if it's true Yes sir, yes sir It ain't braggin' if it's true Mohammed Ali said that Back when he was a young man Back when he was Casius Clay Before he fought too many fights And left his brain inside the ring Sometimes I wish I was Tiger Woods Tiger Woods, Tiger Woods Sometimes I wish I was Tiger Woods Tiger Woods, Tiger Woods I got a friend whose goal in life Was to one day go down on
  5. I still smell tobacco on my fingers My breath reeks of pot and wine and sex My eyes open up like they haven’t in years So I won’t miss whatever happens next You call me a thief All right, I'm a thief Grab a summons Come and ring my bell I’ll be making love with my baby In the Chelsea Hotel
  6. Dude...if this REALLY was a police state, you'd be buried in a cell in Idaho with Tom Morello.
  7. Since I didnt' mention them in this thread, why bang on me? I don't like Jonny Corndawg. So What? By the way...good to see you back.
  8. I tried really hard to get into him, but he seems like a stereotyping novelty act
  9. Nobody ever admits to any indiscretions when they are first caught. Has anybody EVER admitted to using PEDs? (Besides Jose Canseco?)
  10. I had a good time. My son had a good time. If I didn't read this freaking board, I wouldn't have any idea how much the crowd sucked and just how much was amputated from the encores. Moral of the story: Don't read this section after a show. I'll read Noah's reviews in the Observer.
  11. No curfew. Band could have played until the cows came home according the the venue manager. I guess they can't all be epic (and the 09 Palladium show was epic).
  12. A pretty dark day for baseball. The NL MVP testing positive for PEDs. Pretty sad.
  13. I'm not sure I agree about the communication problems being ego-driven. Jeff strikes me as someone who hates confrontation. The Jay Bennett dismissal takes and entirely different tact after watching the documentary and even moreso when listening to the band commentary. Leroy and John had some really harsh comments about Jay. He had basically worn out his welcome.
  14. There's a spot in Misunderstood where you can hear Jay humming.
  15. And just how many of those online ticket sales will end up in the hand of brokers?
  16. At least they aren't talking about moving him to centerfield...
  17. Blago would have been better off if he had given Rahm an overdose than try to shake him down.
  18. There's no doubt in my mind that Ramirez is better suited to be a third baseman. But there is an emotional quotient there. In the DR, SS's ar the superstars. Ramirez has shown in the past that he will react adversely if he is unhappy. It will be interesting to see what the story is at the all-star break.
  19. Tetsu Yamauchi...he WAS the bass player of Faces after Lane left.
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