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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. True. But you might find it hard to find a lot of people who agree with that. I think Baseball players should get whatever the market will bear. If the Rangers want to pay Young $16+ million a year, so be it. If the Yankees want to pay A-Rod $32 Million a year...well...maybe he is overpaid.
  2. Well...I am concerned. Apparently, I was cheated out of six songs in the encores because the band wasn't feeling enough love from the audience. What the fuck? I;m being held hostage because the band doesn't think the audience is appreciative enough? I gotta leave this thread. The more I read, the angrier I get at the band. And I wasn't unhappy at all until I read about the encore being mutilated.
  3. Well...if you get right down to it, every baseball player is overpaid. It's a bit like the real estate market. A player is worth what somebody is willing to pay for them. At times, the market corrects (watch what is happening to the Closer market. The Phillies way overpaid for Pappelbon and the other teams in the market for a closer don't seem willing to follow their path). Young was more important to the 2011 Rangers than Guerrero was to the 2010 Rangers in the big picture. (Not that Guerrero was a MVP candiate...but humor me her). His 'high-end utility' role meant the Rangers didn't have an
  4. Baseball's a talking sport. I'd take Mike Napoli (a part time catcher) over Avila every time. Napoli certainly put up great numbers is a part time role with the AMERICAN LEAGUE CHAMPION TEXAS RANGERS (I put it in caps because I do love getting Bobbob going), but Stats don't tell the entire picture. Young played in 159 games filling several different roles in the lineup and the field. At the age of 35 (not an inconsequential fact) he had 631 at bats, hit .338, had an OBP of .350, .451 slugging, .801 (a stat that may be a bit overrated), led the team in triples with 6, hit 41 doulbes and dro
  5. I am a bit conflicted here. My son and I had a really good time, loved the music, loved the light show, loved Nick Lowe (glad my son got to see a living legend in full force). Now, I read that the band cut their set short and read that the band was feeling the crowd wasn't 'into it'. Do I get a refund for the portion of the planned show that the band cut in a fit of petulance. (JUST KIDDING HERE FOLKS!!!) In the old days, bands didn't expect the crowds to automatically love them and fawn over their every move. Bands used to expect to come out and EARN it. You think Springsteen ever cut a sho
  6. Band hit the stage after 9:00. Cash bar with liquor. Ushers escourting people to their seats. That, plus the cocaine and boob job set has apparently discovered the band. . One of these days, I want to see the band where half the audience isn't sloshed or there because it it the 'in' place to be. However, all that being said and done. My son and I had a grand time. By the way, lest this get lost in the bitch fest this thread has turned into...the lighting show is really impressive. My son and I sat close to the lighting guy and he played that freaking lighting system like he was a me
  7. OK...Alex Avila was a better player. Yeah
  8. Look who's #1 http://www.americansongwriter.com/2011/11/american-songwriters-top-50-albums-of-2011/6/
  9. Well shit. I had a good time. I guess that's all I really care about.
  10. http://www.pastemagazine.com/blogs/lists/2011/11/the-50-best-albums-of-2011.html
  11. Excellent point on Django Reinhardt and Wes Montgomery. Chet Atkins and Les Paul were on the list.
  12. I must have effectively communicated my disdain for RS and their 'lists' if you are trying to soothe me. I consider my work here done.
  13. Can never go wrong with ON THE BEACH. I am going to listen to a boot that I grabbed somewhere of the OTB tunes live.
  14. I must say I am REALLY enjoying this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fi-a5OktorM&feature=relmfu This one is actually my son's, but I burned it off onto my iPod. He almost didn't buy it because the Metacritic score was pretty bad. But it's just the old saw of fans not liking a bands new direction (we saw it for years here)
  15. I find it very interesting that all my t-sip acquaintances are responding like jilted lovers. (It's really prevalent among the T-shirt fans. The alums maybe a little less so). Nobody's gloated to me personally, but then, my passion is for my school. not the football team. The split was inevitable. When UT, OU, OSU were threatening to go to the Pac 10, A&M never signed on for that. If the Big 12 was going to be history, then A&M was heading east. The back story on the concerns with the Longhorn network is pretty interesting (emails between A&M and the Big 12 office started well be
  16. Ahhh...Jeff's pinko nature comes out!!! I have absolutely NO problem with that sort of decision. It does get people into some cool venues.. But I wonder where the boys will go if they need to step up to the next level venue?
  17. Really? I don't happen to agree. But I'm looking forward to the DMH.
  18. One issue every year just doesn't cut it. And I don't care about some bs RS promotion for some obscure indie band they in whic they have an interest (maybe even financially).
  19. It would be nice if RS would clue into what's going on out there NOW. I don't know who the 50 best guitar players who aren't dead and under 30 are. I used to use RS as a clue for what might be going on and what might be interesting to look out for. Now it is a conpendium of what was.
  20. Well...that Monster Trucks would be at Cowboys Stadium. Don't think Wilco would go over well in that cavern. I'd like to see the boys at The Verizon Theater (fka the Nokia) in Grand Prairie. It might stretch their fan base, but it is a great venue.
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