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Everything posted by dustbowler

  1. ponytail - Ice Cream Spiritual sort of a cross between deerhoof/mary timony/sonic youth
  2. I got this disc and listened to it a few times this weekend. It has some really nice acoustic guitar on it. More of a folk album. I had the first Wallflowers album but have not bought anything since. Musically and lyrically there's some nice stuff on this new one.
  3. I'm pretty sure it's one of the limited edition Vox AC 30 head and cabs. Look here ac 30
  4. Here are the 2 songs falling fast minnesota song they should be up for 7 days we have some more stuff on our website at dustbowlers (a little shameless self promotion)
  5. Actually I kept trying and just got 2 tickets at about 10:10. Don't give up.
  6. That'a a Sunrise pickup in the pictures. He had used those in the past.
  7. On the clips I'm playing a jazzmaster, so that may be a difference from humbuckers. The TBIAC is cool. I have to play a lot with the treble and the cut knob, but a can get a cool mid range sound out of it that I like. I use it more with the jazzmaster than when I play tele. With the tele I might use the valvetone or I also have a crowther hot cake for a little drive or dirt. The overdrive sounds on the TBIAC for me seems dependent on how hard you dig in on the strings. I'm always looking for a bit of a dirty sound, but not too distorted - kind of that small amp turned up sound - and I ge
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