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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. okay, so we have, doom metal, which is actually stoner rock. i find that interesting, since doom does not seem linked with getting high.
  2. really disappointed in the Townes. sounds like earle is drunk and just slurring everything. stand outs are the songs he does with allison and justin. other than that, just a toss off. could've been great. however, i'm just gonna listen to towns.
  3. tv not working is a blessing:) i like riverboat way more than canterbury house.
  4. so isn't the top five prog bands, yes, genesis, floyd, elp, kc...? wish i could get into kc. theyve made some interesting music in the 90s and 00s, but again, bad bad production. wouldnt they be death metal, or doom? i fund the genres of prog and metal fascinating. symph prog etc.
  5. ...but, they dont play folk music. maybe ward does, but not the others.
  6. really wish they had an atlanta show. i would probably say gillian welch is my favorite artist, along with farrar and tweedy, of the last 15 years. any word on new albums from either. its been six years!!
  7. i had a huge prog kick in the early 2000s. one of my really good friends is a prog freak so he let me borrow everything. EVERYTHING, old and new. favorites remain yes (yes album, fragile, close to the edge, relayer, going for the one), genesis (seconds out), floyd (animals, wish you were here), gentle giant (power and the glory), rush (himispheres). the new stuff is so badly produced. it's like they just love that late 80s sheen production. too bad. flower kings, spocks beard seem to be the big names in prog these days. theres a lot of it, but its so samey and nothing really compelling
  8. these guys have gotten so much mileage out of so few songs. amazing. also, the fact that this is being released prolly means the cover record is a no go. i'm also amazed these guys tour anymore. i mean, stephen stills cannot sing. its that simple.
  9. hey- thrasherswheat.org has been nuts concerning the archives. there's someone close to the project under the guise 'archives guy' who is answering many questions. a part i found interesting was this... "The upcoming vinyl remasters of the first 4 albums are thought, in our circle, to be the finest versions of these records ever heard. You might want check them out, once released. These records will debut the NYA ORS series. (Neil Young Archives Original Release Series)" i hope these will be on CD too. it looks like we got 3 series going on now: archives, original release series, and
  10. one of the big issues here is that there are a lot of very serious people who play music and are really bad, no matter how much they work at it. at the same time, there is also a good number of folks who like these folks. they have no sense of what's good or bad. any given night in atlanta one can find several bland songwriters who are 'really serious' and a crowd that just takes it all in. interesting.
  11. Keep On Tryin' is on of my all time favorite songs.
  12. And, based on the rarity of talent, there's more noise without a greatly proportional increase in quality noise. that's what i was trying to say.
  13. the point about technology is not really divisive. it's just a fact. it's a lot easier for folks to make a record. the good is that there's more out there to potentially listen too. the bad is that it doesn't up the number of new dylans or tweedys, it just makes for more junk to sift through to find the good stuff. the last fireman album was really really good. if mccartney had been knocking that stuff out in the 80s...wow.
  14. as a dad in his mid 30s i can relate to this. for me however, i am worried i'm gonna miss something and i have made myself crazy checking boards like this trying to find new music that i could relate to. truth is, it's just not happening anymore for me. if something does come to me, then great. otherwise, i find myself sticking to what i've always liked. at night it's ipod with earphones. in the car it's the classic rock station. other times, i just have no music since the house is utter glorious chaos with my two sons running around .
  15. good points above. my judgment may have been a bit charged. i'm just passionate about this stuff and come to think of it, a bit conservative. like steve, i have this notion of a 'mythical' past where music was just awesome. i'm thinking late 60's early 70's. they key word there is myth though. there's always been good music and if bands stick with some lineage from the past, then how will anything new come along? part of my frustration personally is that i like music too much and there's just so much out there at our finger tips now that its overwhelming for me. so, i just get reaction
  16. "The result is an extraordinary amount of mediocrity," this says it all. 99% of music is complete junk. and the fact that anyone can make a cd these days makes for even more junk! seriously, is there anything out there worth listening too besides wilco, son volt, white stripes, black keys, kings of leon?
  17. if you torrent, then it'll be easy to find. are the bonus tracks from okema japan edition any good?
  18. well, i see all the fascism that surrounded the cover art has dissapated a bit. at least there's some conversation here about the album and not just wilco fundamentalism. the album is okay. i'm gonna consume it and be on my way. much the way i was with sbs. there's no yhf experimentalism on here, so i don't know what jeff or whoever said there was, was talking about. in terms of writing a songy song album, sbs hit the mark. wta kind of misses the mark and is quite a mess in direction and there are several mis-steps that have been already discussed above. bbn would have been the di
  19. everytime springsteen is rumored to be recording there i creep a round a bit. one would have to wait a long long time to rob someone there. it's also in fairly nice area of town. now i wish i had run into vedder at kroger or something.
  20. it seemed like it was gonna be over the next two years. of course, fork in the road pushed stuff back. the track lists don't show entire albums, but the entire harvest album seems to be available on the demo. so, maybe the entire albums will be available via hidden tracks. i know that i really really want a remaster of the first album. that would be nice.
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