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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. very good point. take a cue from wilco...make it available on the website. that's the whole point of the web.
  2. of course people care about sound. BUT, waiting for blueray is just an excuse.
  3. i saw him in 97. it was utterly ridiculous how bad it was. there is no reason anyone should pay money to see him. i was mad about paying $30 back then. saw him open for the dead about 5 years ago and he was even worse. he doesn't sing and he just plays a chord here and there on the piano. such a scam.
  4. great points. especially about sound matters. it would be so great if neil did this the way springsteen and dylan have done it. one set of all unreleased tracks.
  5. why why why is anybody paying over $30 to see dylan. it's just ridiculous. he's a legend, but live is terrible. springsteen is coming this sunday. cheapest tic is 95 bucks before the sodomy of surcharges. i'm going down and i'm gonna get in for $20. and at least it will be a listenable show!
  6. what's ironic about this whole set is that neil has always said the archives are gonna be everything. well, it's obviously not everything. half of the studio tracks are not there and there's gotta be some more live stuff from that era. what ever. the other thing is that the blueray bonus is 'getting new material' when it's available. don't they already have it all? i swear, neil made a deal with java and blueray and waited till the hd war was over to release this.
  7. http://blogs.laweekly.com/westcoastsound/c...ves-box-21-yea/ review of archives vol 1. i guess advanced copies are coming out. leak soon please! re-reading shakey, so this will be fun to check out, even though it wont be spectacular.
  8. "Hi, I'm Hollywood Steve." LOVE Yacht Rock...doobies, the dan, loggins/messina...so smooth man!
  9. BTW, no offense to the original poster personally, but the current popular use of "sick" is making me ill. I would rank it up there with phrases NOT to be used like "loves me some." classic message board bullshit. why do i keep coming back?! no offense, but when you say 'no offense' you're probably being offensive.
  10. i'm that way with AGIB. the other albums do not do it for me the way AGIB does it. i first heard online with their cool old timey radio player. so great!
  11. to me it isn't a total classic. i could care less about good morning, mr. kite, and with in you with out you. the reason i think it has become such a classic is because it was the ultimate crowd pleasing album...it pleased the jazz fans, the new rock fans, the mods, the beats, the old folks, the young folks, musicals, folk music...for generations. it's like, everything great about any of the great genres of 'pop' music since it's inception. now, that doesn't mean i listen to it all the time. i don't. i think that is the fate of most of the classics...we treasure them, but maybe don't lis
  12. i've read chronicles. reading it was like one long dylan song, totally amazing. i need to read it again. i wondered what was considered the best biography of dylan. any suggestions? how about his novel?
  13. well, i ain't no hipster either. too old and too damn busy, but, a fixie sounds really cool. how much are they? in my town, the kids go from bar to bar and wear scarves around their necks. i'm happy to see any type of counter culture that's not violent.
  14. sometimes the album can take you to that context immediately. sometimes i don't like the way that feels, hence my 'not getting' some classic albums. classic rock takes me straight to the rec center in dazed and confused. horses, on the other hand, takes me to utter urban decay. don't get it. trout makes me sick to my stomach and pet sounds is just too damn cute. also, i think YHF is a bit too over-rated. a good experiment, but a little too much experimenting. case in point, the ends of reservations and ashes.
  15. of course the song is great, but the lyrics just on paper are pretty bad.
  16. too tired. love the new avatar.
  17. here in atlanta, the hipsters have taken to riding over-priced ten speed bikes. this happening any where else? fascinating!
  18. Just checked out Lost Crowes. good, good stuff. it just blows my mind when artists make an album, shelve it, then move on to another project. how do you do that!
  19. well said. the record companies are experiencing a wake up call. most of the shit people download they would not buy in the first place. however, they might download something on a whim and actually dig it and go buy it, resulting in an otherwise unintentional purchase.
  20. did that giant used store close? i forget the name. they had all these ratings for 'how used' their cds were.
  21. i always forget you're in atlanta:) up north we called WSP 'widespread'. down here they call them 'panic'. the dead are the dead
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