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Mrs. Peel

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Posts posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. Thanks, A-man! I've been working on this for about three years now. I know it isn't the best organized yet, but if I could make it into a full time job I could whip it into shape a lot quicker. Basically, I've somewhere in the range of 50-60K images that I am currently applying metadata (keywords, controlled vocab, IPTC info, etc.). It took my gramps 50 years to amass this collection, so if it takes me a few years to get it all online, that's o.k.). Anyway, check back in because I'm uploading stuff all the time.


    Thanks for taking a look!





    That's incredible! What a huge undertaking though...I saw some of the detailed metadata you're adding. I bookmarked the page though, I can't wait to see what else you've got!

  2. You know I have to do it.....





    Happy birthday to you, this is your day.

    On this day for you were gonna love you in every way.

    This is your day, your day, happy birthday to you, to you, to you.


    Happy birthday to you, youre still young.

    Age is just a number, dont you stop having fun.

    This is your day, your day, happy birthday to you.

    This day only comes once every year,

    Because youre so wonderful with each and everything you do, hey!


    Happy birthday to you, this is your day.

    On this day for you were gonna love you in every way.

    This is your day, your day, happy birthday to you, to you.

    This day is only for you, cause youre so special in every way,

    Happy birthday to you!

  3. It was in the backyard and she would usually eat it fresh before anyone would notice it and pick it up (because eating dried dog shit is just gross). So they were trying to train her not to eat it.


    See, I knew there was a rational explanation, I just couldn't figure out what it was! (Cat person, here.)

  4. My parents have a Cairn terrier named Lucy that used to eat her poo. They heard that sprinkling cayenne pepper on it would keep them from eating it. They did so and later found her barking at her spicy poo.


    OK, I have to ask it.....if they took the time to sprinkle the poo with cayenne pepper, why didn't they just pick up the poo instead?

  5. the comic was fantastic and, like lou said, the film started off strong and then kind of puttered out. the hewlett opening/closing credits were phenomenal. lori petty ended up grating my nerves after a while, as she is prone to do in every film i've ever seen her in.


    Yes to all of that.

  6. Steve, with items like that I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much money you'll raise for Ella Grace's fund. As you've already found out, the members here on VC are extremely generous and caring people who will do everything they can to help your family. We tend to rally around each other in times of need. That's what makes VC such a special community.

  7. I guess I should add, since people are shilling things all over the place, that The Pist's Ideas Are Bulletproof has been reissued and is for sale from Havoc Records as well as a double LP/CD discography. Limited colored vinyl. Get 'em while they last.



  8. I liked V. My husband loved it, and the novel is one of his favorite books of all time. He even wrote a song called "Ideas Are Bulletproof" and named an album after it, which is a line from the book. So yeah. I don't know what that has to do with anything other than I liked the movie. :lol

  9. Here ya go!





    Posted by Brian Shultz on 11-Nov-08 @ 12:24 PM


    UPDATED at 11:20 P.M. EST


    Blake Schwarzenbach, famed former frontman for the hugely influential Jawbreaker and Jets To Brazil and currently an English professor at Hunter College in New York, recently played a surprise show with his new band according to music blog Cigarbox Guitars.


    The show took place Sunday night at the Jerk House with punk acts Underground Railroad To Candyland and Shellshag, presumably somewhere in Brooklyn.


    "I didn't actually see the set," said blog poster Green Hornet, "[and] I can't really say much about the sound, but I heard from everyone that they were pretty awesome. Not terribly shocking."


    No word on the band's name or any recordings, but this first reported appearance proves the gears are turning on Schwarzenbach's newest project -- his first since Jets To Brazil's 2003 breakup. It was originally announced in a collaborative Jawbreaker MySpace bulletin last month.


    If any other information becomes available, we'll be sure to let you know.


    Contributed by Derek Meier


    UPDATE: The inquisitive community at Punknews.org has investigated and determined that the new band is reportedly called the Thorns Of Life, is a three-piece and includes fellow East Bay notable Aaron Cometbus (Crimpshrine, Pinhead Gunpowder, Cometbus punk zine).



  10. I don't get the reason for this guy writing the article.


    Guess what? America voted, and McCain/Palin lost. Maybe America agreed with Sullivan that she wasn't fit for VP.


    Because he was getting emails asking why he was still looking for answers to unanswered questions.




    I can't help but wonder if the reason so many Democrats seem consumed with Palin is that they're afraid of her. They know she's not the dolt portrayed by Tina Fey. They see the crowds that show up when she speaks. They worry she'll be on the ticket in 2012, so take any chance they can to write her off.


    Yeah. Afraid of her. She's really smart and hid it. That's it. :rotfl

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