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Mrs. Peel

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Posts posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. What about Neff? He's been shredding it up quite a bit lately, and not just on the pedal steel. He had some scorching solos the last few times I saw them.


    He's really good, I just didn't think he was Jason. Besides, I really missed Jason's songs as part of the live sets. Seeing the Truckers and not hearing Decoration Day is terrible. Add to it that I'm not a big fan of the last album and that's the bulk of what I saw them perform.

  2. For me, it's the mellow material they've been producing lately. The last time I saw them I was actually bored until the second half of the set when they kicked it into gear with the older songs. Plus I'm extremely bitter about them kicking Jason out of the band. Just ask CortezTheKiller. :P You don't get that "wall of sound" effect without 3 guitars. I loved the back-and-forth with Jason and Cooley too....the dueling guitars and Jason's harmonizing vocals on Cooley's songs. I really missed that the last time I saw them.

  3. patti-smith-dream-of-life-press-book.JPG


    Saw this last weekend at a little art-house theater. It was very well done. I'm not really a fan of too much of her music but I appreciate her poetic ability and find her to be a very interesting person. The movie was a nice look into the past 10 years of her life. They've been working on the movie for 11 years. Filming footage, knowing they'd be using it for a documentary eventually. You see her kids grow up, you see her move on past the death of her husband, and you see her both as her "stage" persona and her "daughter/mother" persona. It had an artistic overtone but there weren't any instances that you would say "ugh, the only reason they put this in here was to be ironic". I would highly recommend it for a Patti Smith fan, but even if you aren't it's an in depth look at a multifaceted woman. She has suffered a lot of loss in her life, and you see how she uses that loss to make herself a better person.

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