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Mrs. Peel

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Posts posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. This Is A Lie - The Cure

    Speaking In Tongues - The Eagles Of Death Metal

    Ashes Of American Flags - Wilco

    I'm So Bored With The USA - The Clash

    Nitcomb - Joe Strummer and the Mescalaros (wow, cool combo)


    A Better Son/Daughter - Rilo Kiley

    As One - Rancid

    The Sound Of Settling - Death Cab For Cutie

    Breakin' Up - Violent Femmes

    The Electric Version - New Pornographers


    Mad Scientist's Ball - Dead Silence

    Miami - U2

    Move Mountains - Jesus Jones

    Vibes and Stuff - A Tribe Called Quest

    Strange Religion - Mark Lanegan


    Hummingbird - Wilco

    Love Burns - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

    Cry One More Time - Gram Parsons

    Empty Sam - The Bells

    Burning Love - Elvis Presley

  2. The preview for the broadcast:



    This season is going to be on PBS so I will actually get to see it! I don't know what the air date for this show is but the season starts this week with Alanis Morrisette.


    Look to the bottom right during "here's a toast for St. Joe Strummer, I think he might have been our only decent teacher". I'm the blue arm pointing in the air. The camera swings around and you can see me and Al from the front. I can't wait until this airs. :dancing

  3. I take it as the person in question doesn't really walk on water but is standing on stones hence giving the illusion of walking on water.


    :yes Everyone thinks the person is God-like and walking on water when they are really standing on stones underneath the surface. IMO of course.

  4. Ok, so I'll throw this one out there. Am I the only one who, every time I hear the intro of "The Blue", sort of expects him to break into a cover of "Sexual Healing"? That is neither a criticism or a compliment, just a funny thing I noticed.


    Perhaps he is saving that one for the live show. The Blue>SH>Blue transition would be allsome. You heard it here first. :thumbup


    It sounds more like Jack Johnson should start singing to me. :lol

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