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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. We've got a violin/cello/flute trio for our ceremony, but I believe my fiance has them learning a few modern songs that would translate well to the classical format. I'm sure there will be at least one Bowie song played, and more than likely a Tom Waits tune. Unfortunately I won't be able to hear any of it....I'll be "waiting in the wings" as it were.
  2. They're top notch rappers but only decent musicians in my opinion. Honestly I usually skip over the instrumentals to get to the good stuff. Those songs are okay but they're not what I want to hear when I put on the Beasties.
  3. Slinky still gets periodic rotation in my house! I even bought two versions of the Apple Green 45 single when I went to England!
  4. It's on several more times in the next few days....in my listings anyway. I just set my Tivo. I forgot all about it too.
  5. I swear this wedding is making me go insane. Congratulations to you! This one's at the top of the "DO NOT PLAY" list. Runners up include The Bunny Hop, Macarena, Cotton-Eyed Joe, and the Hokey Pokey. I gave in and left the Electric Slide for some audience participation, as well as YMCA. It's all about compromise. I'm especially pleased with our song choices for the introduction of the wedding party, parents of the bride and groom, and us.......let's just say TARANTINO THEMES medley.
  6. That makes sense. I never read that distinction though. Just things like "If you love Paul's Boutique you're gonna love TT5B".
  7. Yup, May 19th! How did you know?
  8. Luckily, my DJ's company has something like 400,000 songs in their database. I was shocked to find all my British friends' bands in there. There wasn't much missing when we searched in their online database. In fact, it turned into a game for us. "I'll bet they don't have any Milltown Brothers in there!" *type type type* "Oh my god, they've got 5 songs and 3 extended remixes!" We did decide to hire a live trio for the ceremony though....violin, cello, and flute. We's a classy bunch!
  9. I don't quite understand the reference to Check Your Head and Paul's Boutique as both being "rockier". I think Paul's Boutique has more samples on it than any other record in hip hop history. I definitely wouldn't classify it as heavy on the rock. Plus, I distinctly remember everyone saying TT5B was the second coming of Paul's Boutique. Now they're saying that one was nothing like PB (agreed) but the new one is. I do remember when Ch-Ch-Check It Out was released.....I thought if the entire album was as sweet as that song my head would explode. That song sounds like PB to me. Not much el
  10. I'm getting married in a few weeks and I ended up having to "let go" of picking a ton of songs to be played. I think we had pretty much planned the music and sequence of songs for the entire 5 hour reception before we decided we were nuts and to let the professional read the crowd to figure out what to play. We did choose a lot that are in the "must play" or "play if you have time" lists, and there are 4 or 5 in the "do not play under any circumstances" list. But we ended up telling the guy we don't want any Top 40 crap but everything else is fair game. I think he's going to lean towards a
  11. Please don't make me tell you why I know this, but Sir Alec will be on The View Friday to "tell his story".
  12. Holy moses, a club tour. We might meet pretty soon, Peter.
  13. He's even doing a Where's Waldo peeking from behind a tree type pose. Excellent.
  14. Peanut Butter Cup is my all time favorite
  15. I thought he went to high school in Centreville. He's been in the US for a long time.
  16. What really gets me is that he is said to be a senior there. He's been attending that school for 4 years among the people he killed. For some reason that is the most unfathomable part of this story. It's so much worse than some random nut who enters a random place to take lives....it's someone that has lived and studied along side people that were ultimately his victims. I just can't grasp that.
  17. Sorry to steal your thunder, Brian, I was just excited!!!
  18. quarter23cd's brand new baby girl, Corrine Mia!!! born: 4/6/07 7lbs, 2oz Congratulations, my friend! :cheekkiss
  19. Really? I saw them a few months ago and they seemed fine to me.
  20. This entire post could have come from me. Jason's my favorite Trucker, with Cooley a close second. I'm really going to miss that "wall of sound" from 3 guitars that made me temporarily deaf and happy.
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