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Everything posted by jff

  1. I live in Atlanta and I hate seeing Wilco here. I don't want to go into it again, but I explained it a couple hours ago in the Yes thread, of all places, if you're interested in my reasoning. Oops -EDIT: Thank you for the tip, though. That's kind of you.
  2. No. Probably too late anyway.
  3. I tried getting to the ticket page from Wilcos shows page, from Live nation, Ticketmaster and the venue page. Same error message every time.
  4. Why am I getting HTTP 403 Forbidden when I click on tickets?
  5. Somehow, scalpers have figured out how to work this system. Wilco is not THAT huge of a band.
  6. Sorry to hear they weren't very good. That's a bummer. I doubt I'll go to the Atlanta show. I'm going to attemp to get Ryman tickets. I've too often left Atlanta Wilco shows in a bad mood thanks to all the talking, so I try to see them in nearby cities when possible. I have no idea why my luck is better elsewhere. maybe because Atlanta is so spread out that people meet up at concerts with local friends they don't see very often, and wind up talking all night. Would be glad to shake your hand at some point, though.
  7. 4 per show per household. You can buy 4 tickets to every show on the tour if you want. EDIT...that doesn't answer your question. Nevermind.
  8. Maxwell's Silver Hammer is horrible. Swap it with just about any Wilco tune, or Monkees tune for that mattter, and you have a better album.
  9. I met him once. He was the star attraction at a charity aerobi-thon that my mom and her friends were part of.
  10. I could never get into it. I remember when it was new. I was a teenager and I was listening to it after school one day kind of loudly while hanging out in my bedroom. Our bug guy came to spray that day and came into my room and I was kind of embarassed by the music. It might be interesting to hear it again after all these years. I know Bruford is proud of it, especially compared to Union, which he thought was atrocious.
  11. This lineup doesn't tempt me at all, but I'd jump at the chance to see the "Classic Yes" (with Alan White) and I'd skip just about any other show to see the Classic Yes if Bruford was on board. I still regret missing the Yes tour a few years ago when they were playing half-house arenas with Roger Dean designed stage sets.
  12. The existence of Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman and Howe would suggest that Squier owns the name.
  13. I had no idea they were in Atlanta tonight.
  14. I'm not seeing anything about this on the show page.
  15. I thought he was only out of the band in the first place due to health issues. WTF?
  16. I'd go see them if they can pull Bruford out of retirement.
  17. Shake It Off is great except for the keyboard sound in the slow part right after the chorus, which is straight off a late-70s Grateful Dead album. Overall a fantastic piece of music.
  18. So, if you have to have a FB friend in there, how did the first handfuil of people get in?
  19. PM the Ryman password to me, but don't post it anywhere else.
  20. Can't hear the band over the thousands of conversations in the audience.
  21. jff

    Two Questions

    I know they've played Val Air more than once, but I'm pretty sure that's the show I saw. What an amazing place to see a show!
  22. jff

    Two Questions

    That's great that our first time hearing them is so similar. I remember it quite vividly. I have an almost photographic memory of bussing tables while Box Full of Letters played.
  23. jff

    Two Questions

    1. I first heard A.M. when a co-worker brought the CD in to the NYC Atlanta restaurant where we worked to play for the lunch crowd. 2. Flew to Kansas City, rented a car, drove to Iowa. Saw them at the Val Air Ballroom in Des Moines. Opening act was Carla Bozulich's Red Headed Stranger (w/ Nels on guitar). Fantastic show!
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