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Everything posted by jff

  1. Whoa, great find! I love Nels and Tinariwen, and it never occurred to me that they might collaborate. I womder how that came about.
  2. Twains is (almost) at the bottom of a hill, so no matter which way you came from (unless you live right next door in which case you'd be an idiot for bringing your bike), you have to ride your fixie uphill after drinking beer and eating fried food at Twains. Smart. The fixie crown swarms GSU downtown, too.
  3. In order to hear a difference you'd probably have to spend thousands upgrading your hi-fi equipment, and who wants to chase that dragon? It's not worth it. You could spend your life savings creating the perfect listening environment, only to have it all ruined every time you put on a record and the phone rings or your wife/kid asks you a simple question.
  4. Definitely. The comment made by the drummer that there's a bigger problem than "not drinking enough gatorade" is pretty telling, and is a much more open admission than you usually get from a band. I'm guessing cocaine. For a guy whose voice was supposedly shot and was too hot to go on with the show, he sure ran his mouth for a long time before leaving the stage.
  5. The one that keeps saying LOOK AT ME I'M A GIANT DOUCHE.
  6. KOL singer maintains stupid asshole crybaby streak. http://www.miamihera...o-redo-too.html Probably a better idea to drink water than beer if your voice is "completely 100% gone" and it's "too hot" to perform.
  7. Same here. I don't need, or even want, perfection. I'm much happier going home with 20 records from a dollar bin than spending $20 on one 180g album. I have a bunch of 180g Impulse reissues. They sound very nice, but I don't get any more enjoyment from listening to them than I do from a lower grade record that I like equally.
  8. If I win, can I request a non-fixed gear bike? I haven't ridden a "fixie" since I was 13 and was into BMX. Anyway, Atlanta is too hilly for fashion before function.
  9. If I win this bike, how much do you think I could sell it for?
  10. I've never really felt comfortable with an SG, but I'm a big fan of SGs in the hands of others (Townshend, Iommi, Tweedy, Angus Young, Zappa, Derek Trucks, etc.). Tweedy's blue one is one of the coolest looking SGs I've seen and would look damn fine and very tempting hanging in any music shop.
  11. Probably so. I saw Mike Ness act like a spoiled little brat on stage at a Social Distortion show, too, and then punish the whole audience by refusing to come out and play their planned encore full of their "classics."
  12. I saw the KOL singer get pissed off once. I have no idea what provoked him, but he had his back turned to the audience between songs then all of a sudden he turned around really fast and gave the whole crowd the finger and was visibly pissed off for the next few songs.
  13. Mirror image if the insane BRAT the other day who went into extreme sulk mode until the guys in the press box (who were making fun of him mercilessly) had someone deliver him a ball.
  14. Not to my ears. I hear (and see) significant differences. Generally, bands should progress, but KOL has progressed in a way that doesn't appeal to me, and it's not because they play arenas now. Anyway, I think they lost the plot on their third album, before they made it big.
  15. Those guys strike me as this generation's G. Love and Special Sauce.
  16. I saw Kings of Leon a few times on their first two albums, which i still like. They were good. I wouldn't go see them again, though. I don't like the direction they've taken musically and aesthetically. I probably stated on this forum a few years ago that I thought they had the potential to be a really great band, but they seem to be forcing themselves into something of a U2 type of band, and it just doesn't even come close to working for me.
  17. Damn, that's scary. I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often considering how many temporary stages are constantly being set up (and usually half-assedly inspected) all over the world and loaded with extremely heavy equipment.
  18. Lots of JM players, including Nels, Sonic Youth, Tom Verlaine, etc. change out the bridges on their JMs with Mastery Bridges. http://www.masterybridge.com/artists.html
  19. Just piss her off once you get into the venue and she'll be glad not to sit next to you. Problem solved.
  20. I thought so, too, but there was somethig in the details for Ryman that said "Gold Circle tickets are will call only, all others will be mailed by (insert date)" It's actually said "(insert date)", which seemed fishy and amateurish.
  21. You'd just have to know the seat numbers. Every ticket I've ever looked at has listed the section and seat numbers (otherwise, who in their right mind would buy them?). All the venues I've been to lately scan the barcode on the ticket before you can enter. I see no reason why the ticket agency or venue couldn't void the barcode on the scalped ticket, and when the holder of the scalped ticket shows up...sorry bud, no show for you. So, the scalper would get their money, but it'd sour the masses on the scalping game real quick. Of course this would only work for tickets listed online a
  22. Yeah, unfortunately it leaves me with the exact opposite feeling than I should have post-concert. Maybe school band damaged me. Or maybe it's all the trunk rumbling bass coming from cars in Atlanta. Whatever it is, unlike most in around here, I tend to think the quiet parts are worth hearing, as much if not more than the loud parts.
  23. Today's technology should make it possible to void ANY tickets that wind up listed on scalp sites, and reprint/resell new tickets for those same seats. I see no reason at all why they couldn't do this. It's just a matter of venues cooperating with artists and a bit of jumping through hoops.
  24. Of course they do. Eventually they'll get caught and when they do they'll receive the lightest punishment in the history of the world. Then their top execs will get huge bonuses. That's not pessimism, it's realism.
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