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Everything posted by jff

  1. $1699 is not a bad price considering they charge that for a basic Les Paul.
  2. Naturally, the one photo I could find of him playing that bass makes it impossible to tell. http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnfwf7zySJ1qkc0bbo1_500.jpg
  3. Oh, that makes sense. Didn't realize this was a park show.
  4. Are you sure 6 isn't the door's open time? I've never heard of a concert by a major act that started that early.
  5. Maybe the Gibson shakedown by the feds is delaying this.
  6. Two of the best things I've ever pulled out of a dollar bin are: Ornette Coleman - Twins. Miles Davis - Get Up With It. I've never seen either of those before or since on vinyl at any price, and even the cds were pretty hard to find at the time.
  7. The little bit of what I've heard from his new one is the best stuff I've heard from him in years. Really looking forward to that one. Not sure why they were promioting the shit out of it a month ago when it's still not coming out until a month from now, and now the promotion seems to have dried up.
  8. Haven't heard the Thurston, but I really like the Malkmus and everything I've heard from the new Wilco. This has been a GREAT year for new music.
  9. OMG, just realized if I drive to Birmingham and fly out of there, I can turn this Dallas thing into a BADASS rock jaunt by hitting up the Wild Flag show in Birmingham on the way home, and only have to take off one additional day from work. ROCK!
  10. That's how all of her stuff was for me. The more I hear it the more I like it.
  11. Looks like I'll be flying to Dallas and seeing her there since Atlanta is sold out. The Kessler theater looks like a pretty nice place. But DAMMIT, that means I won't get to see Wild Flag. I'm pretty sure something will always come up that prevents me from seeing Mary Timony.
  12. Yeah, this guy (on the far right), Kip Duvall (he might go by William now, but it used to be Kip) definitely looks like someone. Tall and skinny, well worn but expensive looking leather jacket in the summertime, sort of an afro hairstyle. It sounds like Criminal's problem is with some debt they took on in their move to a bigger store, and not necessarily with their sales figures. Hopefully they can settle that debt and stay in business. It'll be terrible to lose the one place in town that has so many really good in-store shows.
  13. Remember when James Franco live-tweeted the Oscars? That was awesome. If only concerts could be more like that.
  14. Bummed to find out her show here is sold out.
  15. I don't remember the specifics of our conversation, but this is definitely true.
  16. I met him and talked to him for a couple minutes once without even realizing who it was. A band I was in had played a CMJ show at The Cooler. After the show we were going to stay at a friend's apartment, and she knew MIke D. I don't know if he was at the show, or just passing by, but he stopped to talk to her (and by extension, us). I was bummed after I found out it was him, because that was the height of my Beastie Boys fandom. He seemed like just some normal random guy. If I hadn't been exhausted from driving all day and doing the typical rock show routine of drink/load/drink/play/drin
  17. I guess he lives in Atlanta still. I saw him get in a shiny BMW with a Georgia license plate when I was leaving. Always nice to see people making money off their music, especially when you know how long they've been putting in the work. I saw him at Criminal. We stopped by there after work the day we found out they were in trouble and spent about $100.
  18. I met Mike Watt when my old band opened for him. He seems kind of scatterbrained, but very nice. Actually, I've met him a couple times. He tends to come across as a guy who is (because he usually IS) doing too many things at once.
  19. I met Henry Rollins during my first week of college. I also met Craig Wedren from Shudder to Think. Both were very nice. Oh yeah, and that guy who now sings for Alice in Chains. He helped me get my broken gas cap open on my car at a gas station about 15 years ago. Awesome dude. I actually saw him two days ago in a record store, but I didn't bother him.
  20. Some of the people who post here jumped down my throat when I said the same thing about Maxwell's several months ago. I knew I was right, but vindication is a good feeling.
  21. My math was wrong. That was more like 12 years in. There wasn't a new album at the 16 year point for Tom, but the next one was Bone Machine at 19 years. Still, pretty damn badass and forward looking for 16+ years into a music career. Definitely not someone who was losing steam. In short, I don't buy the argument that a band shouldn't be expected to produce top quality work after they've been in the game for 15+ years.
  22. Oops. I missed it. Glad to hear it's awesome.
  23. I was thinking of posting this one. Unfortunately, it comes pretty close to summing up how I've been feeling for the past few weeks.
  24. I got to see him about 15 years ago at Blind Willies in Atlanta. Amazing show. Rest in peace, Honeyboy.
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