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Everything posted by jff

  1. I'm enjoying my new house and my new, super walkable neighborhood.
  2. Glenn is an amazing musician, and a great fit for Wilco, but they could move on without him if they had to. Joey Waronker comes to mind as someone who could take over and it'd work. Of course, it'd be different, but that could be a good thing.
  3. I have cats and a dog that chases them, so I like it to be secured when not in use.
  4. Off topic, but turntable related: My tonearm latch that secures it to the armrest has broke while I was moving this weekend. Anyone know if this is an easy DIY repair, or do I need to take it to a shop?
  5. Ok. Sounds a little slick to me, and their new drummer's playing lacks character.
  6. Cool thread idea. I don't know who my favorite bands are anymore, so I'll name some I like a lot who have a fairly large amout of recordings. The Who - 70% Don't care for Who Are You or anything more recent. Beatles - 95% Aside from a song here and there, they are not to be trifled with. They probably benefit greatly from calling it off when they did. Kinks - 50% They did a lot that doesn't work for me, but that which does, jeez, can't be touched. The evolution (de-evolution, actually) of production values really hurt the sound of their music post mid-70s. King Crimson - 60% I don't
  7. I don't really know much about them, but I have this: On the back of ther cover it's credited as Henry Cow Slap Happy "In Praise of Learning." Basically sounds like Henry cow with vocals. Good stuff. Starts off with a real bang.
  8. Agreed. Stan Lynch plays with more finesse and swing than Ferrone. I'm a little put off by Ferrone on Wildflowers (which might have been Rick Rubin's fault, and granted, that's not a Heartbreakers album). The drums are plodding and mixed too loud. Ferrone fit in better with Petty and the band on Echo, imo.
  9. That's a good one, though it's not Evangelista. It's Carla Bozulich with the Nels Cline Singers backing her up. None of the Singers are in Evangelista, as far as I know. Regardless, good call on that one!
  10. Bowie - PIn Ups is very good. Circle Jerks - Golden Shower of Hits.
  11. I have a Tele and a Fender Deluxe Reverb. Wilco has used both of those, but that's not why I play them.
  12. GNR was on the cover of RS a bunch of times. Boston wasn't. That's all you need to know. Bass player speculation/wish list for Faces RRHOF reunion: John Stirrat Joey Spampinato
  13. The Avalanches, whoever they are, have succeeded in drawing attention to themselves. Congratulations.
  14. Can we please put a moratorium on this meme?
  15. Me too. He's definitely not just a run of the mill technique guy or shredder. He's incorporated so many different types of music from around the world into his playing. The dude is truly one of the greatest guitarists out there right now.
  16. That's amazing. I can't wait to see the airing of this. I wonder how Nels is getting to play this guitar so far from its home in Macon, GA.
  17. I got one, too, and it wouldn't open. I assumed it contained some sort of virus.
  18. WRAS was dabbling in that stuff a couple weeks ago. It was baffling. WREK has actually been a more reliable source for a listenable mix in the afternoons than WRAS. Unfortunately, their morning communte music is classical, and that just doesn't work in a car.
  19. This is how our local college station has gotten. Between the electronic stuff and the rap, some days you're hard pressed to hear anything at all resembling rock music. Rap's ok, but a little goes a very long way with me. Electronica, I just don't find any appeal in that whatsoever. People really want to hear electronica while stuck in traffic?
  20. The Jazzmaster link on that page has an interesting bit from Nels.
  21. Maybe if you outlive Jeff he'll leave it to you in his will. I don't know about you, but a long lost rich relative leaving me a vintage Gibson is probably more likely than me ever having enouigh money to buy one.
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