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Everything posted by jff

  1. Their dissing of Jeff Beck was uncalled for, and reveraled a knee-jerk bias. Much of what he does with a guitar is every bit as edgy, or whatever, as the people they listed. I sort of feel like they're portraying him as a flashy scale burner, which is very much not the case, nor has it ever been. His playing is every bit as unorthodox, imaginative, and outside the box as anyone on that list.
  2. This may or may not be exactly in the spirit of the thread, but I'm playing guitar in a one-off cover band this Sunday for my neighborhood block party. We've only practiced twice and we already have some great stuff worked out. Fortunate Son, Blitzkrieg Bop, Jumpin Jack Flash, Satisfaction, Time is Tight, I Want Candy, Can't Explain. I've played drums in bands since the early 90s, but never played guitar in a band before and it's SO, SO fun. It's amazing how fast you can improve on an instrument when you play with others.
  3. Classic Albums: Black Sabbath - Paranoid I LOVE this series, and this was one of the most enjoyable yet.
  4. Would a 9 year old know the difference between a 20 year old singing those songs and an old geezer singing them?
  5. While I agree that the Grammy performance was pretty lackluster, I don't think it's fair to use that performance as a measuring stick against how good they might be in a real concert. Bands don't usually sounds very good on tv, especially on a show like the Grammies, where the stage is being reset every five minutes. I'm not going to go to their concert, but I'll bet their show will be a fun time and will sound good.
  6. Yes, and there is video (although I have no idea how I would go about making it internet ready). I was the drummer. I certainly didn't get the parts perfect, but I did ok for a teenager. It'd be the world's worst joke if I tried to play even the easiest Rush song these days. I never tried playing All Along the Watchtower, but we would jam on Voodoo Chile (Slight Return) for ages.
  7. Seriously? What a bunch of paranoid, melodramatic hokum.
  8. Those are probably my two favorites, as well. My high school cover band used to play a pretty decent version of La Villa Strangiato, so Hemispheres will probably always be at or near the top for me.
  9. Wikipedia says he died today. RIP Mr. Ethridge.
  10. I'd like that. The title track is probably the best of their rarely played tunes.
  11. Rush outdoors doesn't work for me. I wish they'd go back to playing arenas.
  12. I used to play in a band with a guy who played a Harmony very similar to that sunburst one. It was a pretty great sounding guitar. Those pickups can put out some real snarly tones.
  13. It's kind of funny. The Band has been cited by the Dead, Clapton and others as a huge influence on them. They influenced a lot of musicians to jam LESS and work on songwriting.
  14. I don't know if I buy Rod's story. Surely he's gone on stage dozens of times throughout his career with a sore throat. Hopefully I'm wrong, and they'll prove me wrong, by doing a make up date at some point in the very near future.
  15. Anyone know what he's up to now? This guy is an astonishingly good guitarist. Played in a series of good to great instrumental bands in the '90s and '00s (5ive Style, Heroic Doses, Das Boton). Wilco connection: Leroy Back played bass in 5ive Style with him.
  16. Thanks all. It's not until next week, but why wait?
  17. Turning 40 isn't all bad. My wife told me to get myself something, and I am now the proud owner of a 1976 Les Paul Deluxe. This isn't my guitar, but it's the same model. I'll probably take the pickguard off. My aging back probably only has a few more years of being able to hold this thing.
  18. My two favorite albums from the last two years. I'd love to see them together.
  19. Reunion tour starts tonight! Anyone here going to any of these shows? Hopefully Watt will do a tour diary, and talk Ed and George into doing their own. It'd be interesting to hear their take on how thigns are going.
  20. 1. Everyone in a band NOT playing all the way through every song. 2. Being quiet. 3. Changing keys.
  21. Any version prior to Terry Adams naming his solo band NRBQ. I'm sure the new guys play great, but come on. yes. it's bland.
  22. I don't know if I'd go that far, but I know what you mean. There were other drummers around at the time who had a similarly musical approach to pop and rock tunes, who could have served those songs well. I don't say this to take anything away from Jody. He was, and still is, a great musician and drummer. It reminds me of people saying that Ringo isn't a good drummer. It's always meatheads who worship Neil Peart who say that. But imagine the Beatles with Neil Peart as their drummer. That'd be fucking terrible, and I say that as someone who likes Neil Peart.
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