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Everything posted by jff

  1. I wouldn't go to one of those types of festivals, but I'd love to see them do a club show. Hopefully a full Watt-style US van tour will follow.
  2. Coachella 2012 confirmed, and other west coast dates rumored.
  3. I have to admit, I feel a little uneasy about how Wild Flag is becoming an entity that is treated as inseperable from Portlandia. On a local blog that I read, there was a comment thread on favorite albums of the year. I mentioned Wild Flag, and got a string of Portlandia jokes in response, as if Wild Flag is Flight of the Conchords, or something.
  4. Is she standing on a box?
  5. You might try putting a classified an ad in Vintage Guitar magazine. http://www.vintageguitar.com/ It might also be a good idea to have the guitar appraised and authenticated.
  6. Nels would probably be into it. Nels is a big Ash Bowie/Polvo fan. Ash also played in Helium with Mary Timony, who is in Wild Flag.
  7. I love this band. They were on Jimmy Fallon on Friday. http://www.pitchfork.com/news/45021-watch-wild-flag-on-jimmy-fallon/ I'm hoping the Fred Armisen connection will land them a SNL appearance.
  8. They played See No Evil when I saw them last year in Birmingham.
  9. I could have told you that was going to happen. All those companies are punk ass, bush league operations.
  10. I'm hoping to see this. They were badass when I used to see them a lot in the early '90s. The other Fishbone documentary (can't rememebr the name) is pretty weak, but this one is suppsed to be excellent.
  11. That makes sense for celebrities in general, but for someone who never seems to be in any of the tabloids, or photographed candidly by the paprazzi, I assume she lives a pretty quiet life when she's not working. Maybe I just don't read the right magazines. $500 is super low, though. My wife and I can easily spend that much dining out in a week, and we rarely go anywhere particularly nice.
  12. When she's on set or on tour, her food is mostly free, so $500 is pretty realistic. You'd think TMZ would know about things such as craft service/catering and buyouts.
  13. "$500 eating out (really?)." I'm not sure how to interpret that. Are they sayign that's low, or high?
  14. Agreed. I tried to say the same thing, but my wording was confusing so I didn't post it. Might've sounded disastrous if it happened to Sting, or someone, but with GBV, it almost sounded like an intentional part of the song.
  15. That's a great one. Maybe my favorite of the Trio releases. My introduction to Nels was a Mike Watt show promoting his Ball Hog or Tugboat album. I was just blown away, amd went on a several year (pre-internet) hunt for Nels cds after that. The first one I was able to find was Destroy All Nels Cline and it took me probably five years to find it.
  16. Bands aren't used to playing on slick floors that lack stale beer stickiness.
  17. I guess that means Nels has done at least two Miles-centric bands. Thanks for the info.
  18. Cool. Is this the Yo Miles band he was invlolved in for a while?
  19. What kind of weirdo would photoshop this? Nels and Bill Frisell are friends. I have no doubt this photo is real. I'm just curious when Wilco shared a bill with him. Actually, that orange Tele looks like the one Nels has been playing, so maybe Bill was just dropping by the backstage area while attending a Wilco show and they decided to jam.
  20. We just moved. We were living in a totally car dependant neighborhood 12 miles from work, and now we're within walking/biking distance to just about anything we'd need or want to do, and for things that are farther, we're now very close to two transit stations. Since we'll be spending much less time in the car, we will lower our stress level, reduce the amout of pollution we were creating, improve our health/fitness, and will decrease the amount of money we give to oil companies. Anyone want to rent my old house?
  21. That's amazing. When did this happen?
  22. I don't understand why anyone would do that. I'd like some of these people to name some things that were bad about his playing.
  23. I think I might do one a little later today. I've been kind of cranky lately, and it'll remind me of how many great things I saw/heard/did this year. Maybe it'll bust me out of my totally unearned sullen-ness.
  24. Damn. I love him and was hoping to see him again. He is one of the most inspiring musicians I've ever had the pleasure of hearing
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