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Everything posted by jff

  1. I love the rhythm guitar in Television. I don't know which one of them is playing at any given time, or if it's both of them playing rhythm together.
  2. Looking into it a bit further, there are a number of cities that are very close, as you mention, which could pretty easily be strung together into a tour. Maybe a flight or two to connect some of the longer stretches. I don't know why more bands don't do it.
  3. It might be a money loser to do a tour there. I assume that's why most bands don't do it. Certainly the west coast of South America would be extremely difficult to tour by bus. If they rented gear at every venue, maybe they could travel by air and make it workable.
  4. We had that in our house. I'l bet it's still in a box somewhere in the basement.
  5. The Who, The Kids Are Alright Tour 1989, Lakewood Amphitheater, Atlanta, 4th Row.
  6. I don't have any pictures of the actual guitar, but here's the official photo of them. I got the white one with tortoise shell pickguard.
  7. More thoughts now that I've had a chance to plug in and mess with all the controls. There's a ton of tonal variety in this guitar. More than I expected, and to my ears, more than a Strat. I'm really enjoying the rhythm circuit, which makes a bassier sound than the lead circuit. That can be nice when playing unacommpanied. It'll be interesting to hear this thing in a band context. I still haven't figured out howto install the tremolo arm. Supposedly you just press it in until it clicks, but I haven't gotten it to click yet. I never use the bar anyway, so it's no big loss, although
  8. lol. I picked up up the guitar last night and spent some time playing it unplugged. So far my impression is that this guitar is very nice cosmetically. The frets are perfectly installed. It feels very resonant and has a nice, loud unamplified sound. Maybe the loudest unamplified solid-body I've ever played. It definitely needs a set up, but as is, it plays pretty nicely. I might eventually upgrade the bridge, but that shouldn't come as a surprise considering many pro guitarists replace the bridges on their high end Jazzmasters. From everything I've read, changing the strings to 11s,
  9. It's being delivered today. I won't be able to pick it up until tomorrow night, and when I get home my wife will be hosting her craft group, so I won't be able to plug it in until Wednesday. Gonna be a long two days.
  10. Thanks! Any know of any weekly free press type of publications that list smaller shows?
  11. I might be going to Memphis, TN and Little Rock, AR in September or October. How can I find out what concerts are coming up in those cities? Anything from club shows to arenas. Thanks!
  12. Breeders Pod, in which they cover Happiness is a Warm Gun.
  13. That's not controversial. I don't think many beatles fans cite Sgt. Pepper as their favorite. It's the one a lot of people know about because the album cover is so iconic. Sgt. Pepper has perhaps the highest percentage of throwaway tracks of any of their albums. I shouldn't say I dislike Long Long Long. Dislike is the wrong word. It's just sort of invisible to me.
  14. Long and Winding Road. They never should have allowed Paul two ballads on that album, and ifhe insited, it should have been Maybe I'm Amazed. Maxwell's Silver Hammer. Horrible. Long Long Long. I don't get it.
  15. There's a "Watt From Pedro Show" that was recorded in MIke Watt's van on the way from LA to San Francisco for a Banyan gig. He and Watt geek out on geer talk for an hour or more.
  16. Will do. I probaby l won't get it until early September. From what I hear, they are inconsistent on the quality control. Some of them are near perfect, and others have significant problems. Hopefulyl Squier isn't going to crank out a bunch of junk just to fulfill their back orders.
  17. I have one of those. It's a fantastic instrument.
  18. I disagree. They want Obama out far more than they want any of their guys in. The R turnout was going to be massive this year no matter who their candidate was. Lukewarm or not, they were not going to sit this one out.
  19. Same here. I just ordered one of the new super cheap Squier Jazzmasters.
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