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Everything posted by jff

  1. They were a very busy and relatively successful (and from all acounts I've heard, amazingly good) touring band during the first several years of their career.
  2. That was excellent. Thanks for posting the video.
  3. He can wear his hair/lack of hair however he chooses, but I'd prefer he stick with hats. The clean shaven look has way too many negative associations in rock music.
  4. Do you think you work harder than a coal miner or a soldier in a war?
  5. Maybe, maybe not. Seek out the first Jody Grind album instead. Her first solo album is not good. It actually pains me to say that since her band at the time played a lot of music (with Kelly and other bands) that literally changed my life for a good deacde.
  6. I always thought Quadraphenia was pompous and hard to sit through, but I might go see this. This is the smallest venue The Who have played in Atlanta in my lifetime, or at least, since I was old enough to see them.
  7. I got her album over the weekend. I don't think I'm going to get any more of her recordings. She's really good live, but for me, her albums tend to be pretty bland. They come off as a competent singer with a competent band, which is sad since everyone on the album is far better than just competent. I had high hopes that this one would be the album to break her out of that rut, but it's more of the same.
  8. Why is there 40 minutes between Avetts and Wilco? That seems excessive.
  9. Yes, in addition to just about every other guitar model that's ever existed.
  10. I saw it this weekend and thought it was wonderful. Definitely top three for me.
  11. Anyone know if the video series Mike Campbell was (still is?) doing about his guitars is available online anywhere other than TP's pay site?
  12. Cool stuff, everyone! Finally, some decent video exists of my band, Bon Vivants (not the Bon Vivants band that you can find on youtube. We predate their use of the name). Will post it as soon as it's been youtube'd.
  13. I'm listening to Lizard right now (an old vinyl pressing). It is pretty muddy sounding. Not sure what happened with the mix, but the definition of the individual instruments is lacking. Some cool as shit songs, though. For me, much of the appeal of '70s prog has to do with the fact that it was done with such primitve technology. Mellotrons? I love the charm and the sounds they produce, but how much shittier of an instrument can you get from a technological standpoint? The modern prog bands don't interest me partially because they have so much to work with technologically and due to
  14. The new Guitar Player magazine has a cover story on the guy from a current prog band called Porcupine Tree (I think that's what it's called). Never heard them, and probably won't make much effort to, but the guy, in addition to being in that band, has been remixing some old prog albums to 5.1 audio. Most notably, perhaps, is King Crimson's Lizard. Apparently, his mix brought great joy to Robert Fripp, and is much closer to the album Fripp wanted to make than the muddy sounding version that was originally released. His interview is well worth a read for the info about the remixing process.
  15. You probably sholdn't read Moon, then. It goes into pretty great detail about all sorts of depressing aspects of Moon's behavior.
  16. So, my LP shelves have gotten a little too crammed lately and I've been thinking of ways to relieve the pressure. I decided to take all my prog albums off the shelves and put them in a crate of their own. I had to make some tough calls as to what is and isn't prog. There are a lot of bands that sort of are and aren't. Jethro Tull? Pink Floyd? Zappa? Yes and no to all of those. Tull went into the crate, but Floyd and Zappa did not. Actually, Tull is arguably the least prog of all those bands, so wtf do I know?
  17. He was not trained, aside perhaps from a few informal drum lessons as a kid. If I had to guess, I would say his playing style probably has to do with the manic energy that comes from someone with some sort of chemical imbalance.
  18. Based on having heard a few albums, and watched their DVD: Annoying vocals, but the music is interesting at times. This is a band I still want to like, but so far they've failed to win me over.
  19. I only got to see the Who once. On the 1989 Kids Are Alright tour. 4th row. I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing from Entwhistle. Truly a one of a kind musician.
  20. I don't know. I kind of doubt it. My (two) high schools had annual concerts, but it was high school aged bands playing cover songs. At least one band would always attempt a Rush song. I'm pretty sure neither of those schools have concerts anymore. One of them has changed demographics to almost entirely African American, and the other school lost the principal that was strongly supportive of the annual concert.
  21. I rarely have dreams that I can remember in such detail, and have such lengthy storylines. Usually, my dreams are of the "i'm falling through the air" or "uh oh, I forgot to put on pants today" variety. So this one was quite pleasant, althought it was a bummer to wake up and realize it was only a dream.
  22. Last night I dreamt that I was the drummer at a Wilco gig. I remember being in a van and then going onstage. The whole band was out there except for me, and when I came out there was a bright spotlight on me as I walked out onto a long ramp that led to my drums. I don't remember playing anything, but in my dream I told my wife after the show that we didn't play anything from YHF or AGIB. I guess even in my sleep, I was able to accept the limitations of my playing abilities. I think I knew I was dreaming, but I still thought it was real, because I remember being excited to wake up so I
  23. Major key hooks. That's a good observation that I hadn't considered. They should throw some of that back into their songs.
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