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Everything posted by jff

  1. I'm not sure what you mean by cooks in the kitchen. YHF seemed to have Tweedy, Bennett and Kotche as the primary cooks, and then O'Rourke as a post-production cook. That's a lot of cooks. In the current lineup, I see Tweedy as the only cook and everyone else as busboys and dishwashers.
  2. If Tweedy isn't going to really use Nels and Glenn this time around, he never will and he should let them go.
  3. Me too. I got it once in fourth grade. I can't remember what kind of trouble I was causing, but I vividly remember my teacher telling me to "go sit on the bench." Everyone in the school knew that meant paddle-time.
  4. Tranquilizer dart might've been a better option.
  5. I don't think Yoko is any more likely to lure Nels away from Wilco than are any of the other bands Nels plays with. Has Yoko expressed any desire for this to be an ongoing project that tours extensively? Because, unless Nels is tired of being in Wilco, I think that's what it would take for a project to lure him away. And in that case, it wouldn't really be Yoko's fault.
  6. Yeah, I have a pair of Technics on my basement stereo. Considering my $ situation at the time of purchase, they couldn't have been more than $60 or $70 (new) for the pair. I think they sound great. My other stereo has a pair of small Sony bookshelf speakers which sound just fine. Although, I'll probably shop around a little more when/if I need to replace them. Once you start getting heavily invested in this audiophile bullshit, you wind up spending tens of thousands of dollars rebuilding rooms to achieve acoustic perfection. If you're not willing to do that (and I most certainly am NO
  7. American Heavy Metal Weekend - Circle Jerks Stormy Monday - T-Bone Walker
  8. Me neither. My speakers were purchased at a Circuit City in an upper middle class shopping area. That was so long ago that the entire area has made a complete transformation into a Mexican gang territory.
  9. Nice to hear that Watt is open to a fIREHOSE reunion. I hope that happens and I get to see it.
  10. That's where I saw them, but that was in 1990 or 1991. I think the tour with the Roger Dean stage set was a half-house set up at Philips Arena. I really should have known betten than to skip that one. I think last time they came to Atlanta they played the Tabernacle, which only holds something like 3,500 people. I'm not even sure they sold that one out.
  11. Yeah, just awful. A terrible concept to begin with, and poorly executed to boot. He had another album on his merch table with an almost as bad cover. His vocals aren't any good live, and when talking to the audience, he comes across as someone in a severely fragile mental state, but his (and Billy Ficca's) playing was pure magic. An old, beat up strat straight into old beat up amp, no effects at all, but he was able to get every sound he needed. I got to talk to Billy after the show for a few minutes. Super nice guy.
  12. How's this one (that's supposed to be the Richard Lloyd)? I saw him twice touring on it. First time was good, second time was mind-boggling.
  13. Me too, thought I find it difficult to listen to Beat all the way through. Too little egg-headedness on that one. Usually that's a good thing, but not for KC. Speaking of '80s Yes, Owner of a Lonely Heart is an absolute genius pop song and doesn't deserve the criticism it gets. Easily one of the best songs to make the charts since the mid '80s. For me, Relayer is their best post-Bruford album. And I'll take the first two Steve Howe albums over anything Yes did after Relayer. I might even put Chris Squire's album above post-Relayer Yes. I'd have to give that one more thought.
  14. Yeah, I'd love to see Bruford with Yes. Unfortunately, he has retired from playing. Actually, I guess I have seen Bruford with Yes. I saw saw the Union tour, which included just about everyone who has ever been in the band. In a way, that tour doesn't really count since it was a novelty/gimmick tour to some extent. Ultimately, I'd like to see the classic lineup w/ Wakeman, and I regret missing them a few years ago when they did the tour with all the Roger Dean stage sculptures.
  15. I was able to find a photo of one after a bit of searching. Good to know. I'm perfectly happy with my Audio Technica, but I might someday spring for a Rega if I have a wad of money to burn. My first table was a cheap Audio Technica that I got new circa Shout at the Devil and Rocky 4 Soundtrack. I was 100% hapy with it for 20+ years, then I got a low end Stanton and the sound quality was significantly better than the AT. Then I got my current AT, and I noticed an improvement in sound quality over the Stanton. I assume I'd notice yet another jump in sound quality if I got a Rega. In any
  16. Probably going to see some local bands tonight. Ignitor Pardner Os Ossos
  17. Do Regas come with dust covers? I've never seen a photo of a Rega with one. In a house with cats, a turntable without a dust cover is worthless.
  18. Me too. No USB on mine. Easily the best turntable I've ever owned.
  19. I hope you're right about NY & CH doing it one more time (or more than once), and wrong about them as individuals not having much time left. I shouldn't be too hard on Neil. I admire that he's still "heading for the ditch", to borrow one of his own phrases, but almost none of his recent music does anything for me.
  20. I think "collector" was probably being used loosely. I have a pretty large record collection, but I have no interest in acquiring "collectables", and I don't consider myself a record collector. I agree that, in general, a collector wouldn't feel that a reissue is a good substitute for the original, but then again, the RSD releases (even if they're just reissues) are collectables in that they are very limited, one time only releases. A true record collector would probaly want to own both.
  21. He won't be dragging me into any of his shows until he drags himself back into Crazy Horse. Neil, it's time. Your recent work is a joke compared to 95% of everything the Horse ever touched.
  22. Usually not, but in the '90s I used to buy an Impulse reissue LP at least once a week from Wax n Facts in Atlanta. Every fucking time, the clerk would make a snide comment, and the more crowded the store was, the louder the comment would be. I went there for the first time in years when the latest Dungen album came out. I didn't get any commentary on my purchase that time, but then again, I was the only customer in the store.
  23. I basically agree with this. There are a number of things that are going to be released on RSD this year that I'd like to get, but they're all either reissues and/or repackagings of things I don't have, or things that were previously unavailable (or long out of print) as official releases. I've never gone to a RSD, and I probably won't go this year either unless there are some bands I like doing in-store performances. If some of the titles I'm interested in are still available after RSD, I might buy some of them. Fortunately for my wallet, my self-diagnosed OCD seems to be wearing off wh
  24. Speaking of poop, I'll happily sell my Sonic Youth Dirty cd with the insert picture of the guy pooping on stuffed animals for an inflated price. I hear that one's sort of a rarity.
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