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Everything posted by jff

  1. Didn't we just try that for eight years?
  2. I don't know if I'd take it that far. If Neil Young sells Ohio for a National Guard ad campaign (which I definitely would NOT put past him), I'd consider that a sellout.
  3. Maybe the problem is that they're not weird enough.
  4. Yeah, in that case, I see your point.
  5. Biggest Loser is probably the worst offender of all. They started doing product placement long before DVRs became the norm and it became so easy to skip commercials.
  6. I feel the same way. The romanticism we place on songs is of our own doing and an artist has zero responsibility to protect our emotional attachment to their work.
  7. Damn right we do. Black Flag's First Four Years is one the the most gloriously rocking albums ever. I stll find Wonderful to be the best Circle Jerks album, but most people seem to think that was one of their worst.
  8. Clever, but assuming Ron Paul has never told a lie while holding political office, that only goes to prove that there is an exception to every rule.
  9. Me too. All politicians lie, but I don't know of anything the Dems campaigned on in any recent election that was anywhere close to as disgusting as the swift boat attacks.
  10. That's a good point. The GOP is never quiet. They were bat-shit insane with all thier asinine, flat-out obvious lies during that campaign. I should have said Democrats aren't as vocal in their support of incumbents. NO WAY will Obama get the support this time taht he had last time, but he's still almost guaranteed to win.
  11. I think people tend to be quieter when supporting an incumbent than they are when trying to unseat someone like GWB. The entertainment industry in general was extremely vocal in their support for Kerry.
  12. I predict they'll support Obama, but their support for him will be less noticable than it was last election.
  13. I don't know how hard it is to find Ground on CD, but I was able to find the triple 7" version pretty easily, and for only $15. Sad and Chest have alweays been readily available.
  14. "Silencer", the debut album by the Nels Cline Trio has been reissued. I like all the Trio albums, but I think this one is the most consistent and enjoyable from start to finish. From the Downtown Music gallery mailing list: NELS CLINE TRIO With MARK LONDON SIMS/MICHAEL PREUASSNER - Silencer (enja 9568; Germany) Essential reissue from guitar god Nels Cline's incredible (jazz/rock) power trio. I caught this trio at the old Knitting Factory in the late eighties/early nineties and both Thurston Moore & myself were completely blown away by their colossal performance. All I can sa
  15. I've had worse thoughts when listening to music.
  16. Well then we probably live near each other. I live near Brockett Elementary.
  17. Sounds like they're palying at least some of the instruments on it, which is 80% of what I like about them.
  18. Pretty cool sounding new tune. Make Some Noise. http://prettymuchamazing.com/music/stream/beastie-boys-make-some-noise
  19. Maybe so. I rarely go there anymore, thanks to a wife who is willing to do our Target run by herself, but I urgently needed a large padded envelope and a box of wine. We usually go to the one near Northlake.
  20. I saw this album in the "best sellers" rack at Target the other day. I thought that was kind of odd.
  21. I wasn't able to see him on this tour and would love to hear a review or see your photos. Out of selfishness, I'm hoping the Stooges gig will wrap up soon so he can focus on his own projects/tours.
  22. I mostly agree. Sometimes they nail it, like the Ashes... on the first Austin City Limits, or Muzzle of Bees on Burn to Shine. For the most part, though, I think you're right. I definitely think they're capable of something extraordinary, but they haven't gotten it yet.
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