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Everything posted by jff

  1. I heard about this yesterday. This is a pretty huge letdown. I had read some interviews with her from several years ago, and she seemed much too intelligent and thoughtful to spew empty party line talking points. Maybe she's getting senile and has lost her critical thinking capabilities. Working at Wal Mart for a decade probably didn't help, either.
  2. Of all the names in your previous post, Nick Salomon was the one that seemed somewhat familiar. Bevis Frond is a group I've long intended to check out*, but whenever I see their albums they're always $20+. I'll try to listen to some of these groups. *Actually, I used to have this one a long time ago, but I never got into it and I let it go. I might like it a lot nowadays.
  3. Did you just make up all those names?
  4. REM will only make another good album after they all have alzheimers and can no longer remember whatever it is that has been making them put out shit for the last 15+ years.
  5. Attaching tubes to the hole in a drum shell so you can blow into the drum and raise its pitch might be one example of musical experimentalism.
  6. I'll add another one: Talking Heads: Once in a Lifetime, with Eno on backing vocals. Eno's singing gives this song a character that I don't think they would have achieved if someone in the band, or some random session singer sang Eno's part.
  7. Yes duets count, as long as one person is not officially part of the main act.
  8. I was thinking about this on the way into work today...Usually, a guest appearance on an album is pretty pointless, and sometimes damages the entire album. I can only think of a few examples of guests elevating a song to something the primary band/artist would not have been able to achieve by themself. I'll start: Battle of Evermore: Led Zeppelin with Sandy Denny The Ox: The Who with Nicky Hopkins Willie the Pimp: Zappa with Captain Beefheart
  9. True. A few months ago I watched the documentary Ultramarathon Man, about a guy who runs 50 marathons in 50 days in 50 states. During a marathon, he'll take a large pizza, roll it up into a log, and eat it while running. I thought that was pretty funny. There was a lot of talk during the olympics about the insane amount of food Micheal Phelps eats each day.
  10. I liked that tune better than any of the Sleater-Kinney stuff I've heard.
  11. GIGS! http://www.marytimony.com/neusite/index.html Wild Flag on tour: Nov 10 Olympia, WA The Northern Nov 12 Seattle, WA High Dive Nov 13 Portland, OR Doug Fir Nov 17 Sacaramento, CA The Hub Nov 18 San Francisco, CA Bottom of the Hill Nov 19 Los Angeles, CA Spaceland Nov 20 San Diego, CA Casbah Nov 21 Pomona, CA Aladdins
  12. Wow, frighteningly light on Under the Bushes, Under the Stars tunes. I'm not happy about that.
  13. I've never heard of this guy. Will check it out.
  14. Maybe he has a tiltable steering wheel. Just ordered Ty Segall's previous album. I should clarify something about his record which I recommended yesterday. I said there were guitar solos, but there aren't any on the album. He plays guitar solos live, but on the cd there are piano solos instead.
  15. Interesting. I haven't heard that release. I never got into the Cramps, but I guess I can detect a very slight resemblance in the vocal style.
  16. Young energetic guy playing upbeart rock songs with catchy hooks and guitar solos.
  17. What about those of us who have a tabby, a tortie, two white ones and a mutt?
  18. I like the loud and quiet tunes in their catalog, but I'm hoping for the next album they'll come up with a batch of tunes that aren't so easy for their concert audiences to talk over.
  19. The most recent time I saw them was on TV a few years ago. They played a 4th of July thing here in Atlanta, and they got several minute of air time during the TV coverage of the event. I don't know if they're still around.
  20. I feel the same way about headphones. I don't like being deaf to my surroundings.
  21. Runaway is pretty good...in a Flashdance sort of way.
  22. Most of my "now playing" posts are the things I listened to during my morning workouts. Today was Dark Side of the Moon to accompany my abs and lunges routine. Yesterday was Aerosmith Live Bootleg. Last week's selections included Alice Cooper and AC/DC. I guess I've been leaning towards '70s classic rock and hard rock lately.
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